
by | Oct 9, 2007 | General | 0 comments

tonight I uploaded a few videos to my youtube account.  See, I bet you didn’t know I even had videos up there.

My videos include some from the beach trip the other week, a virus infected computer, and lots of animals.

Tonight’s listening pleasure provided mostly by Ryan Adams.  You are totally missing out on some of the greatest music in the world if you don’t support the effort to enhance your culture level.  Their live music archive is probably the best in the world, patronize it, and download some of your favorite artists and new ones too all free and legally.  Ok well, if you’re smart you may need to know funky stuff like about .flac and to be able to interpret the source codes to see which ones provide the best sound.  But I’m sure you can figure it all out.

Hmm lets take a second and check out their wayback machine while i’m here.*/ – relive the history aha, if you go back far enough you’re where I had to manually edit each html file to create the ‘blog’ style website, and archive them each month.  it appears the newer dates it picked up some javascript that forwards the site from to so it then takes you to right here.  sorry bout that. hmmmm got to fix that*/

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