some funny links
Bunn High School Franklin County North Carolina 1995 95 class reunion (keywords for search engines to pickup!) is in the planning stages. Email with your Name, email address and phone number as soon as possible. Contact who you can, and get the word out! Perhaps, a website will be setup soon if interest is there, donated by myself.
mr kung fu himself came in today. He had a funky problem on his computer, and several of us were looking at it. at one point he said ‘this problem is very difficult. You must train to be the best in this question. once you can solve this problem, you will be the master’
Master on
customer cant get on satellite internet. spent an hour installing software… then customer says – I bet i know whats wrong with this satellite…. (lots of huffing and puffing…) these 14 chickens out here. (lots of chicken sounds clucking in background..) damn these chickens
i’m going to try to write more here…. try try