

Been busy with work and havent had a lot of time to sit and write.   But have lots of cool things going on, last weekend me and Lindsey went to see the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra doing a tribute to Pink Floyd.  It was kick ass.  (I told her I’d say that specifically, true to my word).  I’m not sure if I ever saw the orchestra in the new hall before, and it did sound pretty awesome.  I’d be interested to see just the orchestra perform, or even a regular musical act perform there as the sound is great. I sat there listening to the volume the strings were at and realized it would be very hard to recreate that sound using speakers, no matter the source.  Strings are very hard to recreate so hearing them live was pretty awesome. 


This weekend is jam packed with Animazement in Durham.  I have 2 cameras ready this time, not sure which one I’ll use the most.  I’ll be heading there right after work today and will be going until Sunday.  Be sure to check for all the pictures after the con. 

Next weekend we’re heading to the NC Zoo in Asheboro.  Later in June we’ll be heading to the beach for a weekend trip.  You’re missing out, join us on the whootah forums for upcoming events for more info on these and more events.


So I haven’t been very diligent at keeping this aggregate thing going here.  Just been too busy adding stuff.  So, if you dont know, I went to Washington DC a few weeks ago with Alan, Barbara and John.  3 day trip, took tons of pictures all over the city.  (999 pictures to be exact)

http://flickr.com/photos/radialmonster/sets/72157600163867690/detail day 1

http://flickr.com/photos/radialmonster/sets/72157600181580920/detail day 2

http://flickr.com/photos/radialmonster/sets/72157600211972593/detail day 3

On the way home after the trip, I hit a deer and messed up my car pretty bad. 


A week later got my car back.


Went to Kings Dominion like 2 weeknds ago.


Check out my sets page for more picture viewing opportunites


Redemption vs. Hope

So, I just got done watching Shawshank Redemption for the first time.  Recieved it for Christmas from Aunt and Uncle.  Great story, made me think, and here I am thinking so much I want to write about it.  It’s late and I’m just going to ramble so enjoy.

I feel institutionalized (wow i spelled that right the first time typing it??) myself.  The characters in the movie grasp with very long term prison sentences.  One guy had 50 years.  He was paroled, let out, and no where to go.  State gave him some grocery job, put him up in a halfway house.  But, being in jail for 50 years, he had nothing in the real world.  His life, though now free, was more difficult for him than in jail.  Didn’t know how to act, what to do, where to go.  (no i’m not going to spoil the movie for you)  The ‘rehabilitation’ of jail did nothing to prepare the inmates for the outside world beyond their walls.  And thats where I am. Out here in the real world, looking but no where to go.  When there’s a glimpse of hope, it disappears, time and time again.  Enough to make you give up.  Stop searching.  It’s a waste of time.  With every attempt there’s a ‘nice try’ at the end.  Cupcakes waiting and all.  But then, right back out there, trying to see what’s next.  I’m not in jail, never have been.  Well, I felt like it a few times.  I’m already out in the real world.  And I still don’t know where to go.  Which is worse?

The thoughts of the movie are too great for me to attempt to translate into this little feeling I’m trying to analogize it into.  Or my writing skills have failed me, or it’s just late, or maybe there really is no connection.  Sorry to disappoint.  I just can’t seem to get a good kicker line, the ending feeling I so love to give.  I could ramble all night I’m sure.  It’s only about 1 am.  Actually I’m already yawning.  Good night.

DC Trip

DC Trip

I have some pictures up from our trip to Washington DC last April 20 – 22.  Right now I only have the first days pictures.  But they’re tagged, and some are even mapped.  Highlights and thoughts will appear here on my blog later.

useless update

useless update

So I promised my good friend Ayen I’d write so here it all goes aha.  Haven’t updated in a little while, I really was trying to write more recently.  I had some inspiration to pull from.  Anyway, don’t really know what’s going on with that, as I guess you figured out by my last poem, so trying to step back from that for a bit before I dissapoint myself even more.  Thanks to all my readers for keeping me going, I’m not sure exactly what everyone likes so much here, aha but I’ll keep it on and up and just do my thing. 

So, yea last thursday I decided to go out and take some time away from things to reflect.  I went straight from work to see Children of Men, which was absolutely an awesome movie.  I’ll get that on DVD soon as I get some extra bucks. 

Then I left there and went to one of my favorite hangouts Crowleys and had dinner and listend to several bands play at the open mic they have every thursday night.

While sitting there listening to the bands, I wrote the poem Blues man’s Blues. 

My flickr.com photostream has been kicking butt.  Every time I feel like I should post here “I now have 5000 pictures” I’m already at 6000.  Each time I want to say “I have over 10000 views now” it’s already 15000.  Currently I’m at 10,848 photos and 33,147 views.  Thats a whole lot of pictures and picture viewing.  See for yourself here:  http://flickr.com/photos/radialmonster/

^random pictures

More pictures to come this coming week, as I’ll be going up to Washington DC to do some major sight seeing and museum touring and such.  Leaving early Friday morning and will be back sometime Sunday.  So depending on time I may not get all the pictures up until Monday or so?

Been sick this week, so havent really done a whole lot but go to work and sleep when I get home.   The past recent weeks my cat Gadita has been curling up with me in bed.  For a good time she would just get on the bed and pounce on my feet all night if I ever so slightly moved.  Of course at around 3am I’d end up kicking her off the bed.  But recently she’s been cuddling up next to me and letting me hold her like a stuffed animal as we sleep.  Her purring easily puts me to sleep.  But, I was thinking the other night as she layed right at my face that it probabally isn’t really good for me as I’m actually a little allergic to cats!  and dogs.  and some types of grass and weeds.  But all only by a very small amount.  Hope thats not what has been making me sick.

Well, hopefully that’ll satisify you for a while.  If I can think of more I’ll write later.  But tomorrow night i’ll be readying for the trip and then will be gone all weekend.  So take care and all that.  Leave me comments or email me, they’re much appreciated.