by | Dec 24, 2001 | General | 0 comments

Merry Christmas eve! i finally got my computer in a state to be able to update this thing. I decided it was time to upgrade my old computer, so i got a new athlon xp 1700, 512ddr, 60gb ibm hard drive and the soundblaster audigy platinum ex. i also upgraded to winxp. this thing kicks some booty now. now i have enough drive space to do some more recording, i ran out earlier with my 30gb. but anyway, other than that, not been doing a whole lot to talk about. there’s no new music, or poems or anything here, yet. i’ve got a few songs i’m working on now. and if you were planning on coming to see me and mercy on the 28th, dont. it’s been rescheduled for the 5th of january. we’ll be at philly bistro again in wake forest. and now i’ve got some new device that is supposed to get rid of feedback, and it looks complicated. of all the equipment i have its the most difficult to learn. all the rest you just plug in,, turn it on and press play pretty much. but i hope it will turn out all right. anyway.. i have to go get ready, lots of moving around today and tomorrow. i need to get my web cam software set back up too so i can update that…. dont worry your not missing anything anyway


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