hubble has sent
its new pictures since it had it’s recent upgrade. it is naive and foolish
for one to say aliens do not exist.
just look at this picture.
notice that huge galaxy there the pic is centered on? now, naive one, look
in the background at the zillion other galaxies just sitting there in the
distance. some so small they are a speck. some close enough to see
in detail the spiraling arms of it. imagine the ones that are too far away
to see in the picture. imagine centering the image on one of these
galaxies and noticing the endless background images again. and so on and
so forth. how much of a wrinkle in time do you know? lets just pose
this question. what if the universe is a big loop. and one of the
galaxies you see there in the picture is actually our own galaxy? how does
that change your outlook?
ok, this one was
just too funny