did you axe her?

by | Mar 2, 2006 | General | 0 comments

yea i cant get on to da internets
ok what kind of problem are you having
it aint expecting my name
ok what name are you using
my name i signed up fo
ok what name was that
its my first name and my babys name
ok whats your first name
yea and my baby’s name
ok and whats your first name
ok can you spell that
yea its jaliafigywa
ok and what is happening exactly?
da internets aint working
ok do you get an error message?
yea it’s just a blank screen
ok, and what does it say on the screen?
it dont say nuttin
it’s black?
naw it’s just got this thing on it that says error
ok, and what does it say on the screen?
it says it cant find da internets


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