2007 Review
2007 Began anew in the single world for me where just over a month earlier was the end of a relationship (although unbeknownst to me, for her it had ended way before that and she already started a new one). I had decided my New Years superstition was that my next picture would be of me with my future mate, and by day 2 I completely abandoned that idea and settled for this first picture of 2007. I passed the time with friends
out to eat, friends at hockey games,
and taking pictures of odd things such as this airplane on a trailer.
Jan 16 I met a great girl Diedre who we both decided would be perfect for each other if she didn’t live 1500 miles away. The first snow was on January 18th,
, Just before Mark turned 30
. Mike, Sue and Katherine came to visit for the weekend
while Tim and Kelly kept me entertained at work
Alan and I won “Runner Up” in the theme park review video contest for 2006 to which we probably will not enter again. My dad had his birthday on Feb 1
and we started to play a bit of magic again.
I risked my life climbing into an old attic only to discover a hidden ceiling with some old relics attached
for the main purpose to give the cute girl in the office my flickr address so she could check out my other pictures. The circus came to town
and puppies infiltrated my household.
We attended a barely exciting monster truck show
and my office exploded in a sea of flying termites.
Work wasn’t only at work, it was after work too
and Jonathan had his first magical experience
. I became a rock band photographer
and we continued to hone our magic skills.
Had a good lunch with Roxanne,
then immediately left for Charlotte for Carowinds with the whootah crew.
Work isn’t work with friends again
and by this time another failure was under way
. To which I went out and drowned my sorrow
and penned this poem. After a long dry spell, we played D&D again
then Easter at Grandmas.
Gadita discovers porn
and this little piggy went home.
Ruby Tuesdays violates fire code every day
then we head out for a fantastic adventure in Washington DC.
On the way home I hit a deer, causing $3500 worth of damage to my car.
Took about 2 weeks or so then got my car back good as new.
Went to Kings Dominion
had lunch with mom and grandma
and was yet again questioned if I still loved the ex or not for Mother’s Day. My first ‘date’ of the year was a ‘non date’ (to which I certainly treated it as such) with Lindsey to the Pink Floyd Symphony special edition concert
to which I failed to convince her to join me at the ever awesome Animazement.
A trip to the zoo in Asheville
with all the buds, and then another hit and run accident with a deer.
Robin attempts to imitate Merkley
to which he found (on his own mind you) and responds a good job! More puppies arrive
while a bird leaves
. The 80’s are resurrected
and Lindsey joins us for a night out
at Crowleys. Gadita finds my box of old mementos
and 4th of July at Kings Dominion wasn’t as crowded as we thought it would be while the Franklinton fireworks was even better.
Virginia Beach was beachy
as cooking out is to summer.
I discover my great great great grandfather fought in the revolutionary war.
By this time, I met Theresa and we met at Chili’s for the first time on friday night, to which I didn’t get a picture of as I figured I had no chance with such a pretty girl anyway. When I got home I had a message from a new person Kim
to which we decided to go out Saturday night who although she tried to convince me that she wasn’t interested in money wanted our first date to be the 42nd street oyster bar and was disappointed that I wasn’t a big shot at some huge corporation. Later, decided that me and Kim did have a good time however, so about a week later we tried again
to where I realized that she is too city slicker for me. A free movie in the park
almost prompted me to invite her, yet a week after the movie Theresa invited me and John to the same park for a night with Warrant, her sister and friends to which proved to be an unbelievable disaster
despite this pic. That is the look of fear in mine eyes. A few days later Steve became a dad
and we decide to try Carowinds one more time
. Dan played at The Cave
Then we had the first family reunion in like 100 years.
Kure beach was great (again)
. And a chance encounter proves eventful
Halloween was time for pumpkins to which mine are still on my front porch rotting. Then followed up with the crazy fun time that is Nekocon
. I come home to a purple Murray
and Tim points out our local chemtrails
. Thanksgiving was at moms lake house
and I break out and buy a new tv
. I pen my first ‘comic’
, at least the first one that I’ve claimed. The best piece of ass I get all year was at the texas roadhouse
and Mercy’s still going strong
. Gadita faithfully helps me wrap Christmas presents
culminating to this collection on Christmas Eve
. Christmas was spent traveling to family
. Alan and berb made a gingerbread house
and we discover a new game
Carcassonne. New Years Eve party at my place wrapped up the year
with this being the last picture of 2007
and this being the first picture of 2008
In this year I heard my dad make a gay joke (playing the flute pipe), my granddad say he wish he could smoke a joint, girls of the year (qualification only includes words more than the normal hi how are you, I like you kind of thing, i think these are in order even) included diedre, mylene, tressie, cristy, lindsey, daphne, heather, kerry, theresa, kim, monica, leilani, amanda & amy, <that south korean girl>, jenny, jennifer despite to all of which I’m still just me. I hope i didn’t miss any if I did i’m not trying to exclude. I’m trying to include, only for my personal journal to look at 10 years from now. Some of the ladies were only talks, some were dates, throughout 2007 how many kisses did I get? 1 peck on the cheek. It didn’t stop me from trying though, and from having a great time with friends, Alan, Barb, Eric, John, Jay, Jonathan, Mark, Mike, Robin, Scott, Steve, Sue, Wes who am I missing who helped me add countless photo’s to my portfolio this year. Co workers also included Kelley, Mike, Rob, Tim, and some others. My personal business did xx,xxxx amount of dollars, a bit more than last year. Aha, I’m not giving that out! Mom and Dad are both doing fine, family is good and normal as usual actually. I’m doing good, learned I have a hernia which isn’t critical, otherwise health is good. If you want more detail about my life you should read through the archives where you’ll find tons of crap written by right here. Thanks for being a part of 2007, bad or good.