another scam in progress

by | Feb 28, 2008 | General | 22 comments

This person found me on friendster and started emailing and chatting. I’ve already traced the IP address to Nigeria.  So far the story is she is originally from china, but now lives in miami.  She’s instantly in love with me and wants to form a long lasting relationship. aha.  the intent is to string along the scammer to waste their time.  hopefully get some lulz out of it too.  here’s some text from today:

Alex Williams: hello
radialmonster: hi
Alex Williams: how are you doing
Alex Williams: ?
Alex Williams: you busy
Alex Williams: ?
radialmonster: i’m at work.  how are you
Alex Williams: am fine
Alex Williams: how is it going with you
Alex Williams: i realy miss chatin with ya online thoug
radialmonster: i’m great.  aww sorry to hear that
Alex Williams: ?
Alex Williams: well i have a news for you thoug
Alex Williams: can you guess
radialmonster: hm i’m not really sure
radialmonster: you’re going to the circus?
Alex Williams: ??
Alex Williams: hmmm
Alex Williams: well i was awarded a contract
Alex Williams: which i need to travel
Alex Williams: overseas
radialmonster: well thats good if thats what you want to do
Alex Williams: you sound not happy
radialmonster: why do you say that?
radialmonster: just because you were awarded a contract doesnt mean you actually want to do it
Alex Williams: well it on a individual company
Alex Williams: and you know i have to wrok to make more
radialmonster: money doesn’t give happiness
Alex Williams: how
Alex Williams: ??
Alex Williams: so you mean i should n
radialmonster: it does not.  being more wealthy can’t make someone more happy. there’s a point where once you reach a certian amount of money, more money doesnt matter
Alex Williams: not go right
Alex Williams: ?
radialmonster: i didnt say not go. i said do what you feel will be best for you
Alex Williams: hmm oh ic
Alex Williams: so babe hope you gonna keep in touch
radialmonster: what do you mean
Alex Williams: as in email me and stuff
Alex Williams: cause i will be goin with laptop
radialmonster: oh so you’ve decided already?
Alex Williams: yes
radialmonster: well congratulations.  where are you going
Alex Williams: westafrica
Alex Williams: ever been there
Alex Williams: ?
radialmonster: i have a friend that has been there
Alex Williams: oh really
radialmonster: my mom has been there also
Alex Williams: oh that is fine
Alex Williams: to do what
radialmonster: missionary work with chruch
Alex Williams: oh ic
Alex Williams: thats cool
Alex Williams: so wat time did you get off work
Alex Williams: ?]
radialmonster: in about 30 minutes i hope
radialmonster: but i may have to work over at my second job
Alex Williams: oh wat ur second job
Alex Williams: ??
radialmonster: same thing as my day job just on my own
Alex Williams: oh that cool
Alex Williams: so you miss me at all
Alex Williams: ??
radialmonster: you havent even left yet!
Alex Williams: hmmm
Alex Williams: hmmmm
Alex Williams: that does not matter thoug
radialmonster: when do you leave
Alex Williams: on friday night
Alex Williams: i will let you know thoug
radialmonster: wow so early
radialmonster: you already have your belongings ready to go?
Alex Williams: i will get that aranged today thoug
radialmonster: i see
radialmonster: well good luck
Alex Williams: hope yoi  gonna keep in touch
radialmonster: be safe
radialmonster: about to leave work.  later
Alex Williams: ok babe
Alex Williams: email me later k
Alex Williams: ??
radialmonster: ifi dont have to work, i’ll see
Alex Williams: ok babe
Alex Williams: you takecare and keep in touch
Alex Williams: k


  1. Dermot

    Did she say her name was Alexandra and she has just moved back to Florida.
    And her ex boyfriend who she was going to marry…. died???


  2. radial

    I don’t see that in any of the texts that I posted here, but if I remember right one of the chats she did say her last boyfriend died. She said she was living in Miami, Florida. Her yahoo messenger id is alexwilliams48.
    Sorry, but sounds like you got the same scammer. Best thing you can do is just waste their time by bullshitting them forever. Never give them your personal info and don’t send any money!! Feel free to post your chat’s here

  3. eric

    she also likes to send you love letters…but all you have to do is take the first sentence and google it…it will show up as coming directly from a website that someone else wrote…also: is a helpful thread…look down a little ways and go through the checklist if you still have any doubts. she said she’s at “city hotel” in lagos nigeria..and she varies the amount of money that she needs if you wait long enough lol…as soon as you say that you don’t have enough, she’ll get pissed and stop talking to you…then if you come back and say “oh i got the money now” she’ll start calling you babe again lololol!! she had a pretty convincing story..but the thing that really tipped me off is that i actually know some chinese…and for a person who’s from china to not know it…it’s a bit wierd…she explained it as she forgot it or she was never very good with it…lol what a bunch of BS good luck guys, i hope that everyone who meets her finds this website!

  4. eric

    oh i forgot to mention that she’ll have all her credit cards maxxed, that the hotel won’t take checks, that her mother can’t wire her money, that she lives in an apartment in miami, that her father and fiancee died, that she doesn’t have many friends, that she get’s a contract (in london for me), that the hotel bills are really expensive and she can’t pay them, that she wants to come visit and “pleasure you”, that “it’s been a long time since she’s felt a man’s touch”, on and on and on…if any of you have any questions please feel free to contact me at i remember quite a bit about her story…oh! she also deleted her profile off of the dating service that she was shortly after we started talking… best of luck guys

  5. eric

    here are her e-mails:
    Hello eric
    Time for the hard part. Here we go: I have a good balance between my intensity and silliness, I appreciate irony.Smart but humble. A friend of mine once said I had a built-in b.s. detector that never fails. And it registered that he was telling the truth,of course. I am a self-confident, goal-oriented business an optimistist,extrovert, playful, hard working, devoted,intelligent, trusting, genuine, honest, sincere, witty and easy going. I’m very passionate in all areas of my life. I have a very open mind for trying new things. I believe in being a devoted hubby and a family woman.should I find the person again someday who appreciates this quality,i`ll pamper and cherish him.
    I involve in volunteers and charity,I am very responsible and try to eat right, work out to stay in shape and live a healthy life. I stay active and have a good time doing it.Great communication is a must,Devotion is one of it but I cannot express that enough.
    What I look for first is having a friendship, trust, and intimate interaction. I believe in a healthy relationship,we should compliment and inspire each other and be each others best friend,with these our relationship has realistic expectations and open communication. I really value honesty and trust. That’s what I’m all about. For the relationship to become serious, chemistry is important. It’s okay if we don’t agree on certain issues,that is where we learn to compromise.
    I’ve learned to never hold things inside,I should be able to communicate well with you in every aspect of life physically,emotionally,finacially,etc and getting parallel with you and you should be willing also to do to me.I also think it’s important to understand and accept each others strengths and weaknesses. It is important to have a lot of communication along with passion, romance talks, a mental connection, a playful attitude, with lots and lots of laughter.
    I am looking for someone who has a positive outlook on life, optimistic, intelligent, honest, caring, and knows when to be playful and flirtatious,you can always make understand your mood because it matters alot. So if you want to get intimate and have a good time, and eventually take it to the next level. We may have a connection.
    I love to experience life to its fullest, I travel to my parents vacation properties near Lake Travis, Lake of the Ozarks, Tucson and in other countries where i have full access to here @ home,in europe and miami. Other things I enjoy are going for drives with the top down, dinner out with friends entertaining and dancing& listening to music at home.
    I’m all for listening, learning and growing together. I`lld enjoy quality time chatting,but also have a very active life doing things with friends and day to day schedules..though i wont mind if .I am a Christian and Church is a part of my life so it is important to me,i attend church often.
    I’m running out & signing off soon. I must tell you am for real am not for games and i`ve been honest in what ever i`ve said to you.i want to know much about you and i am very happy we got a connection…life is good& fine with me over is life treating you overthere ?

  6. eric

    Hello eric
    I lived with my parents for a long period where i had my creche,high school and college certificates but didn`t proceed to the University before i moved to miami with my Dad.
    i have no blood related families,dad warned me to stay outta & away from them.i have friends which we re in close accords ,i get very careful and vigilant with them,though friends can be dangerou..i`ve travelled with Dad in my teens to Maldives,Paris,South Africa,hong Kong and The United Arab Emirates.With the aid of his Occupation Being an Engineer, whenever he gets his seasonal contracts to supervise construction of bridges,Commercial structures and dredging of canals& Rivers he gets me along with him and that was where i had my first travelling experiences.
    Mom is a(Non-Profit Organisation) worker up to these moment,she was allover & it was

    consistent but for a short period each time she boarded,she didn`t have much time for me then and that didn`t enhance my getting along with her that much(Rappour i mean But the Momma to son feelings existed)All she did was to bombard me with gifts and loads of my desire each time time she returned Lol…,That made me got closer to Dad .
    i am for real,bcos i dont have time for messing around,bcos its very awwful when someone hurt another good feelings….. Well, relationship can mean two things based on understanding,it can mean that we have a connection, which I think exists 2) relationship also means to be romantically and sexually involved and I think we aren’t at that level which i think is attainable So, I think at this point,we definetly have a friendship forming based on some external and internal similarities that are developing into a relationship that will bring us a little closer with good intentions, and the inital potentials in us will exists for the relationship to evolve into something more significant.

    i have no kids at the moment I’ve been in several rapports in the past and I was not fully appreciated. In fact, many times I felt I was taken advantage of and that hurts. I’d like to meet someone who recognizes the little things I do for her and knows how to be appreciative. .I’m very appreciative of what people do for me and I reward them in my own little my own perspective little things mean a great deal to me.i hope to talk to you later possibly we can get to chat on the yahoo messenger.have a nice day ahead and get busy

  7. eric

    how are you doing? well i had a stressfull day today just got back not long and decide write you a short mail i really love reading your mails and feel so much happy each time i read it over and over again oh well eric lets chat online and knw you more better calling you can come later ok ??? you can add me on my ym,,, my screen name is will be waiting to hear from you.. maybe we can chat sometimes tommoro ok? will be waiting to hear from you i care

  8. eric

    Hi eric,
    Just thought I’d write you a short note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your mails. I
    can’t recall when I had a more pleasant time than that in the past. Everything feels so natural, and you were very easy to
    comprehend. It’s hard for me to identify what it is about you that attracts me so. I suppose it might be the combination of
    your great sense of humor, your charming personality and your good-looks. Whatever it is, I can sense its presence. You could
    call it chemistry, or better yet, the possibility that we are on the same wavelength.
    eric, I really hope that our connection wont fail & fade out because I felt very special when I

    was with you. I truly want
    to give our friendship a chance to grow.
    Well, I guess I’ve said enough for the time being.eric, have a wonderful week &day ahead and, hopefully, I’ll see you
    again real soom. If you get a chance, write me and tell me your thoughts. well will be online at night time just email me your screen name so i can add it up ok??? mine its you can also add me ok?? cant really wait to chat with ya
    Until I hear from you, take care of yourself.

  9. eric

    Hi Eric ,
    Just thought I’d write you a short note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your mails. I
    can’t recall when I had a more pleasant time than that in the past. Everything feels so natural, and you were very easy to
    comprehend. It’s hard for me to identify what it is about you that attracts me so. I suppose it might be the combination of
    your great sense of humor, your charming personality and your good-looks. Whatever it is, I can sense its presence. You could
    call it chemistry, or better yet, the possibility that we are on the same wavelength.

    Eric , I really hope that our connection wont fail & fade out because I felt very special when I was with you. I truly want
    to give our friendship a chance to grow.
    Well, I guess I’ve said enough for the time being. Eric , have a wonderful week &day ahead and, hopefully, I’ll see you
    again real soom. If you get a chance, write me and tell me your thoughts.
    Until I hear from you, take care of yourself.

    ****this one looks like a repeat, but she actually sent it to me****

  10. eric

    eric am doing really great,,, was about heading out before your message pop up and went to check oh well my thanksgiving day was nice went out with mom to had a very nice dinner lol,, oh well i can understand that its hard for you to get a computer but of you can try to dawnload ym now its would be so wonderfull ,, and am online at the moment we can still chat my mobile got broken if not i would have call you but anyway let me know if you can come online ok???? well my type of music is romantic music its makes me feel the inspiration of love ,,,, mean while let me know if you can get online asap i have a very good news to share with ya on there ok ?? will be waiting to hear from you soon i care

  11. eric

    how are you doin?? sorry i missed you online yesterday,,,,my laptop was acting funny thats why i could not make it online but hopefullu will be online today waiting for you ok ??? have a nice day i care

  12. eric

    babe how are you doing ??? sorry could not write you yesterday its just that i have been very tired after the long flight,,, and am glad that i arrive safely,, oh well i have really missed you online been thinking of you really ….but make sure you stay for me online today ok???will be getting ready for work now ,will check you online when i got back ok?? cant wait to chat with ya i care

  13. eric

    Eric im so happy to hear back from you.. hope you doing good i guess so lol oh well i feel so bad when you siad that you not gonna go online today but i can understand that you have to get to school,,, oh well am really happy to keep in touch with you anyway am doing fine here in london just been bored all day and work alot thoug so can you tell me the reason why you dnt sleep last night… you care to share that with me ?? oh well will be having some sleep now i will see if i can wait for you online but if am not online hopefully we gonna talk tommrow ok??? i care and miss you too alot

  14. eric

    can you go online now????? cant wait to chat with ya i care

  15. eric

    If only I’d known that you were out there, then I could have been searching long before I met you. If only I’d known that there was a man like you, I could have searched the ends of the earth. If only I’d known that I would someday meet someone like you, who has everything i desired,and would do anything for me, gives me all their love and love me for me… I could have done anything and everything in my power to find you you sooner. But, now that I have

    found you I’ll never let you go. Because of you all of my wishes and dreams have come true,from the moment I met you, I knew you were someone special. I knew by the way you showered meaningful words that burns my heart each time your mail came in,for the moment i`ve known you so far,you sound like someone that will be there for me at all times and again, I was afraid to love again… afraid of the pain it might bring if after nuturing all the

    feelings and not been appreciated. But in a short time, you showed me that real love wasn’t painful or deceiving. You showed me that I deserved to be loved and happy. You made me understand what a new meaning to my life would cost and I could never thank you enough for that! You truly are a Godsent with have known you for.
    So, for all you’ve done for me… I want to be always be here for you, to cherish you and to love you whole-heartedly. I promise to be a loyal and loving gurl for all the rest of my days IF YOU`LLD TAKE MY HAND. I promise to love you always!! please let me know with your quick respond
    Love always,

  16. eric

    Just as a poet needs inspiration to write a masterpiece
    I need you …
    Just as an artist needs a subject for his work of art,
    I need you ….
    Just as a teacher needs a pupil to mold into greatness,
    I need you …
    Just as a composer needs a theme to create a timeless melody,
    I need you …
    For without you, Eric, my life would be empty of all inspiration. There will be no work of art for me to gaze at; no person of greatness before me; no timeless melody to listen to. My life will exist in shades of gray instead of vibrant colors, and I will be less than whole.
    In the past recent times that we have met, the proper words have escaped me, and my innermost feelings have been kept locked away in the depths of my heart. No more – for through this letter, I proclaim to you, Eric, my undying love and eternal devotion.
    &n bsp; &nbs p; Yours forever,
    &n bsp; &nbs p; alexandra

  17. eric

    Dearest vikas:
    I have lived for a long time responsible for no one & dependent upon none, answering to no one and committed to no one except myself. During this period of my life, I considered the World mine for the taking and truly believed that I was living life to the fullest. Then, you came into the picture, and all of a sudden, I realized that I was deceiving myself.

    vikas, I am an incomplete man in need of wholeness. I find that my life is not all that I thought it was. In fact, it is terribly lacking in many things, the foremost being love. Now, through some great fortune, I have found that love and along with it the one person who can make my life truly complete.

    vikas, you are that person, and I have somehow fallen hopelessly and undeniably in love with you. To be honest, I never thought I would ever utter those words, but now, they come forth effortlessly and with great sincerity. I’ll be forever greatful to you for showing me just how shallow my life was. At last, I have a chance to give it depth and purpose.
    I would have wanted to tell you this in person, but I knew that the proper words would definately escape me..But i was to be interviewed i`ll be speechless. I wrote you this letter instead. Please tell me what you think after you read it
    Until I hear from you, I remain totally yours in thought and spirit.

  18. eric

    going to see if i can post the pics she sent as well


  19. radialmonster

    I’m sorry to hear that you got burned by this person. I hope you did not develop feelings for this person. As you may can tell from my blog I’ve learned to spot those scammers pretty quick. I enjoy wasting their time as that’s about all the harm you can do to them. Plus it helps prevent them from spending time recruiting some other hapless soul. I’m glad you posted this information here as it will indeed help others realize what this scam is really about.

  20. leslie j.

    wow, amazing….so that’s the scam? I’ve gotten these emails word for word…they started seeming hinckey a few emails back, so I copied and pasted the words and sure enough they are exactly what you are saying. Glad I learned my lesson before I got burned!

  21. Kim

    So it’s apparently not just the girls that go after the guys. I’ve been communicating with someone from a dating site and some of these emails are word for word what I’ve received with some personalization. I think what finally made me think something was just not right was the “poem” I received today, again word for word as shown above. The other similarities are that he now lives in Miami and had a wife that died. Not sure if phone calls were involved in the other scenarios but this guy has a google voice account with a Miami phone number, so the scam steadily evolves.

    I guess it’s good to find these things out now before getting burned.

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