alexandra williams another scam in progress 2

by | Feb 29, 2008 | General | 0 comments

Chat today from Alexandra – note that it was like 2pm.  If she is in Miami as she says it certainly isn’t evening for her.  His local time would have been around 10pm

Alex Williams: helo
radialmonster: good evening

Alex Williams: how are you doing
radialmonster: good.  working here you
Alex Williams: well am abt to leave
Alex Williams: so i decide to come see ya online
Alex Williams: before i leve
radialmonster: where are you going?
Alex Williams: i told you yesterday
Alex Williams: westafrica
radialmonster: oh you mean there.  you’re leaving so soon?
Alex Williams: oh yeah
radialmonster: did you get a work visa or do you have some other arrangements?
Alex Williams: other arrangement
radialmonster: why so secretive?
Alex Williams: nope
Alex Williams: is just that is on contract basic
Alex Williams: thats is why
radialmonster: i see.  maybe you can visit home too while you’re so cloes  (**Her ‘home’ is in China)
Alex Williams: we sign an agreement that we gonna be responsible for the whole thing
radialmonster: close
Alex Williams: oh yeah
Alex Williams: maybe i can vist you
Alex Williams: how would that be
Alex Williams: ??
radialmonster: well i dont live in west africa
radialmonster: i have a friend that lives near there
Alex Williams: oh ic
Alex Williams: so where it is
Alex Williams: ?
radialmonster: he lives in Ubuntu, so that’s pretty close  (**To get the joke read this other post) (** i haven’t written the other post yet!  check back later)
Alex Williams: oh ic
radialmonster: would you go see him for me?
Alex Williams: well i have to leave shortly
Alex Williams: ok
radialmonster: ok have a safe trip then
Alex Williams: ok 
Alex Williams: then
Alex Williams: later
radialmonster: bye
Alex Williams has signed out. (2/29/2008 4:02 PM)


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