Blog spam

by | Jul 28, 2009 | General | 0 comments

You absolute mother fuckers.  I’m pointing at you spammers, or spam bots or whatever.  Gaining access to my website, (actually my other website,, I need to check this one out too) and spyfully adding in hidden div’s and links and funky things to dvd movie downloads of all sorts of shit.  Take a sneak peek at the back end area, and look carefully at the html coding to find the hidden messages.  These have been there for weeks, and today I just noticed them.  Now I have to go through each post and clean up this mess.  Sigh..  You should check out your page code also if you have anything similar.  Screenshots below.  If you see any weird looking posts let me know as I may screw up some of the real code deleting the spam code.

In other news.  I’ve started a while back using a content delivery network for some of the larger videos at my sites.  Hopefully, you’ve never noticed it but if you’ve downloaded the 2 latest videos you probably actually got them from elsewhere.  Enjoy the large download files and speeds.   Eventually I’ll get all the large versions up.  I’ve also switched to using Vimeo for the streaming of video, and may switch that in house via the cdn also. Why Vimeo?  Less bullshit, more mature users, awesome looking page with customizations, ability to download the file, and the key thing is videos are not limited to 10 minutes.


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