by RadialMonster | Jan 18, 2004 | General
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and almost Valentines Day, the silence is broken. But, what you don’t know is I’ve been furiously working on a new web site. The official launch party is at pretzelboy’s house January 24th, so I suppose it’s time I introduce to you…. TADA!!
by RadialMonster | Nov 17, 2003 | General
It amazes me to see how people find my site. All web site operators usually find odd entries in their logs as to how people get to them. The interesting things to me are how i’m listed in search engines. Not only that, but the fact that someone actually searched for whatever in the first place. Things like “guy pissing stories” from for which my site is currently ranked #242.
by RadialMonster | Nov 9, 2003 | General
Yes, i have arrived safely back home. and yes, i’m working on the pictures right now!! give me a while. it will take some time to upload anyway, all the pics are about 15 meg even after cutting the size down!!
Ok, the work is done! it’s 11:00 pm and i’ve started the upload process. modem sucks, so it may not be until after midnight until it’s all there!!! but please check out or you can click on the con reports link on the left hand side there and select nekocon 2003 as well! Send me some love!!
by RadialMonster | Nov 3, 2003 | General
I haven’t forgotten about you. i’ve wrestled for the past few weeks about how to continue this page. this just wont fit. that just wont do. i criticize this work here that you may consider insignificant to the point i didn’t want to post things i wanted to post because it wouldn’t fit after the previous entries. I wanted to post about my REM concert i went to. About the Down By Avalon concert i went to. About the new friends i’ve made. About trials and tribulations, my house’ pour sanitation. i’d rather sleep than clean recently, although i did make some progress earlier today. about the upcoming trip to Nekocon in Virginia Beach this coming weekend. I wanted my next post to be a big bang. like announcing a new video or other kind of work on this site. but alas there is none works in progress, they will appear in due time this should be the turnover point. i’ll think of something next.
by RadialMonster | Oct 24, 2003 | Poetry
a glimpse of a touch, a meet of an eye
this lady in waiting that I’m passing by