not really sure

not really sure

I’m at the health department today, I’m working on some lady’s computer and I’m waiting on something or another.   So, I start looking around the desk, the walls & what not.  See what people have.  On her desk is what looks like a food pyramid type sheet.  But, upon closer inspection, it’s an activity worksheet.  At the bottom of the pryamid, are the things you’re supposed to do a lot of.  Things like walk your dog, play in the snow, ride a bike etc.  And at the top of the pyramid, in the section where you’re not supposed to do hardly any of it, are play video games, use the internet, sit for more than 30 minutes etc.  I want to be that little worker, who hoisted up those huge rocks to the top, got to the top and enjoyed it so much he sat his ass down and watched the aliens wave goodbye.

I had to renew my drivers license last week.  Or maybe the week before.  Anyway, my birthday was the 5th so that week.  Now 30.  I keep all my important stuff in a box, and every once in a while if I get bored, or if I need something I’ll go through it all over again.  I seem to always find something new, even though it’s been too full to add anything for years.  This time though, I’m armed with a digital camera so I took a few pictures.  Here’s maybe the first picture of me in the newpaper.  This is me in 5th grade so maybe around 1987. You know it’s a small town when you get your picture in the paper because you ate some chinese food! 

Then here’s me again about 3 years later:

And finally me again another 3 years later securing my geekdom and single status for eternity:

Here’s some realllly old class pictures from 1982 and 1985.


Then I’m not sure how old I was here but pretty sure this is at the dentist:

There’s lots of gems in my little box.  Ok it’s not so little anymore.  But that box is about the only thing I’d care to save if something were to happen to my place.  Despite what insecure previous’s said about it being my computer.  There’s pieces of my life in there from about the entire span of me, birth certificate (which I’ll prob move to a more secure location), report cards, awards, papers I wrote, journals I kept, artwork, old left over prescription pills, high school and college diplomas’, my baby teeth are in there even.  A few things from previous’s, but mostly each gets her own separate little box.  I did find two little gems that gave me clues to some old friends I’ve been missing greatly, and I’ve already been able to locate one of them.  Now, why do you have to be all the way in Ohio? aha.  Anyway, point being it’s a ton of stuff I’d love to put up here and share.  I’ll do so when I can get around to it.  aha

Weekend ramblings

Weekend ramblings

I store all my pics on flickr, I get unlimited photos, unlimited bandwidth and an unlimited amount of audience.  My latest picture and view count is 13,990 photos / 50,880 views.  There’s a place for anything there, and only today did I realize there’s even a special place for “Dogs named Buddy“. 

There’s also a group for “Pets named after Famous People or Characters” to which I didn’t think I’d have anything to add, however I did just remember Tio.

Tio is a dog I had a few years ago, very sweet girl, and would play the funnest game of keep the ball away of any dog I’ve ever had. She is named after a character in the video game Grandia 2.  My dog Tio’s mother was named Elena.  I’m not going to give any of the game away but they were related somehow in the storyline of the game.

We would go outside, and I have this shed in the back yard.  I’d throw a tennis ball against the shed, wait for it to bouce back and then we’d race to see who could get the ball first.  Sometimes she would just catch it right in her mouth before it ever hit the ground.  Usually we’d have to fight over it, she’d run right under my legs to try and trip me up, or I’d push her over and make her roll across the yard so I’d have a chance.  But all in all, we’d both end up getting it an equal number of times and if she got it first she’d bring it to me and we’d have another go. 

Tio loved the neighbors and would stay at their house sometimes, and my house sometimes. It was a mutual understanding aha.  The neighbors girl worked at the local vet and took a great interest in Tio. 

Tio passed away by being hit by a car on the road.  The neighbors the Franklins said she was ran over on purpose, that she wasn’t in the road and the car veered off the side of the road to purposely hit her.  Mr Franklin waved the truck down which for some reason actually stopped.  (If they did it on purpose why stop?)  He gave them hell, and stalled them while Mrs Franklin called me and the sheriff.  I walked over there to see my Tio dead on the ground, with a bunch of people all around her.  Arguing about it being on purpose or not.  The sheriff even showed up, and a poilce report was filed.  You could clearly see tire tracks running off the road into the grass.  But the sheriff said nothing could be done, it was a civil matter.  The vet girl offered to take her to work and have her cremated.  She kept half of the ashes and I kept half.  I have a small black box on top of my bookcase with her remains.

So I’ve decided to create my own group on flickr, Me With A Pretty Girl.  I’m surprised no one has made such a group before, or at least I couldn’t find one.  I’ve invited tons of photo’s to it, can’t wait to see what happens.



For future reference, dancing does not include stumbling around drunk, or rubbing your ass on some guys cock.  That kind of stuff can cause a relationship to be over before it ever started.  Here’s a girl that’s got some moves:

Would you like to see more videos I like?  Or would you rather read my ramblings?  Post a Comment!


In other news

Puppies were discovered.  & Here’s mamma –



well so last night i decided to start a possibly new theme here, so i wrote the previous thing about the site being all weird.  the site is back to the way it was, but if you see it being odd then its because i’m working on it.

must be in the air as some of my other favorite sites were down for updates too:

last night digg was down for the night and this morning.  and today is down and is down.  hmm maybe i should just take all my sites down for fun too

old times

I posted this up on zee’s blog, so without anything else of interest to put here I’ll copy here.

Back when I was a teen (back when, I’m sounding old) me and my friends (Marty and Scott) would go to the mall to hang out. There’s not a lot to do in Louisburg now, much less 10+ years ago.  We’d go to Crabtree, the most popular and biggest mall in the area then.  We’d walk around, browse the shops, eat in the pavilion, and hit up the arcade.  I remember spending hours and hours in the arcades there.  Me and my friends never looked for trouble anywhere, but if there was one excuse for going to the mall, it kept us out of it.

When Triangle Town Center opened up I was speaking with some of the people who worked there.  I told them I’d come to their mall more often if they had an arcade.  I was told specifically the mall management would not open an arcade because they didn’t want to attract the kids.
I believe the arcade is now gone from Crabtree very recently.  Leaving the only good arcade I know about to be the one at Adventure Landing on capitol.  It’s full of kids games though, some grown up games.  Gillians in downtown has a huge arcade, but they’re all lame shooting games.
When I get rich, I’m definitely opening up a arcade somewhere.

— i’m adding to my post on her blog now, had some more ideas

When I get rich, I’m definitely opening up a arcade somewhere.  In a huge building, throw in nice PA system, hook up a dj booth and techno the place out.  I’d have a side stage with defunct chuck e cheese animatronic band up there, all retrofited to date.

And I specifically wanted to mention that because

So on youtube there’s these guys that have copies of old chuck e cheese and showbizz pizza videos and shows from when they were big.  They’re posting the old videos they played in the restaurants, and they’ve even got recordings of the animatronics doing their thing.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about, chuck e cheese was a family restaurant back a lonnnng time ago, like 80’s or early 90’s at the latest.  They had a decent kids and teenagers arcade, sold pizza, and had a big room where you could see a cheese animatronic band play the latest tunes and kid songs.  Most of these are now gone, you can read up on a pretty dramitic history of it at wikipedia

My mom used to take me there in Raleigh.  It was on falls of the neuse road, right where it turns into wake forest road i believe.  There’s a bojangles there now, and I think a CVS or something.  But in the shopping center right behind there was where chuck e cheeses’s stood.  I don’t know whats in that spot now, but I think the shopping center is still there.  Anyway, I remember they had the person dressed as a big mouse and he’d come out and greet the kids and things.  When you’re like 5 this was awesome.  So, I remember mom’s driving me home one day and I spot on that road, in a white convertable, chuck e cheese himself cruising down falls of the neuse.  His big ass head sticking out the top of the car, I dont know how the guy kept it up.  But he was waving at all the cars and my mom honked and he waved!! aww the rat waved at me!  Of course, then I probabaly thought he was real, so I was pretty excited.

Well anyway, i’m rambling

Anyway, the animatronic show was pretty neat, it had several characters on 3 different stages.  They would ‘play’ the song by moving and wobbling around.  I was so fascinated by the whole thing.  Even now.  To look back that long ago and remember that stupid show, technicaly it was pretty impressive.  Others thought so too.  People have been buying up the old units and setting them up in their houses and garages, retrofitting them and getting them all working again as a hobby.  This guy has this whole setup in his house, it gives you a good idea of the main stage.  Keep in mind these things are huge.  It still plays the old songs:

Well, some guys have been trying to reverse engineer the animatronics and making their own shows.  They finally manged to create a custom interface for a USB port and some software that interfaces directly with the original system.  Here’s one of the first full shows they put together, which is pretty awesomely done:

The other night I found this hilarous one, It’s just so funny thinking this playing to a bunch of kids!  hope you enjoy: