old times

the last few nights i’ve had pretty vivid dreams. night before last, i dreamt me and Marty went to NekoCon. We were in a mall, a lot of people were in the mall. like the con was about to start and we were just hanging out. it was marty’s first con. and i was pointing out the people dressed up and showing him things. i noticed one of my exes there too. she never spoke to me, but we obviously exchanged looks. and i knew she was there to try to impress me. but me and marty walked around and was taking pictures and things and he was really enjoying it. the next day we decided to take a detour.

so we went driving and went to some nature place. we parked and walked into the woods some. there were a bunch of indians who had setup an area there. there was lots of gathering areas. we went to one gathering area and marty introduced me to the man there. and the man spoke to me about life and death and all sorts of natural and unnatural things that i cant remember the specifics of. and he blew smoke and all that. and me and marty left and continued. we walked back to the con i believe. and as we were in the middle of the woods walking back to the con, i thought to myself. wait a minute. this can’t be happening. marty isnt around anymore, he’s passed on. scott won’t believe this. so i began to take a few pictures to prove that i was with him to show my friends.

this isn’t the first dream i’ve had like this with him. one other recently, but i dont remember it really. but i remember both times knowing that he was really there with me and we were hanging out like old times. I mean to say that i know he was with me even right now, as he’s not here physically. anyway… come see me again some time old friend


I needed username and password for a website. LivePerson provided me with April:

Chat InformationPlease wait for the next available representative.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‘April’
April: Hello. How may I help you?
Phil Hart: hi April. I cant seem to remember my username for the website.
Phil Hart: i do not currently have any subscriptions with you i dont think ,but i used to
Phil Hart: my email is radial@mindspring.com
April: Okay, one moment please…
Phil Hart: my address is Phil Hart, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (censored)
April: Okay Phil, you haven’t created a user id yet. If you would like to do so, you just need your customer number, which is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (censored)
Phil Hart: ok, yes i do want to do that. i guess i can create the account on the site?
Phil Hart: i am a customer, but new to the site?
April: Yes you can. Just select the option to create a user id and password.
Phil Hart: ok go tit!
Phil Hart: ok, thats all i need for now i think, thanks!!
Phil Hart: ahahahaha go tit! uhh sorry bout that
April: You’re welcome!
Phil Hart: i meant got it!
April: No problem!
April: Have a good evening.
Phil Hart: ehe you too

Class Reunion

Bunn High School Franklin County North Carolina 1995 95 class reunion (keywords for search engines to pickup!) is in the planning stages. Email bhsreunion95@bellsouth.net with your Name, email address and phone number as soon as possible. Contact who you can, and get the word out! Perhaps, a website will be setup soon if interest is there, donated by myself.

work today

mr kung fu himself came in today. He had a funky problem on his computer, and several of us were looking at it. at one point he said ‘this problem is very difficult. You must train to be the best in this question. once you can solve this problem, you will be the master’
Master on