by RadialMonster | Nov 20, 2002 | General
devastating black hole
is headed in Earths direction.
The Pope declares
himself immortal. Thieves try to
sell stolen goods back to original owner.
A neato picture.
Downloading copyrighted or otherwise restricted music that you
don’t own is illegal. I like to download music from my favorite artists
(and unknown) so i know what cd to buy that i’ll like the most songs on.
I’ve bought more cd’s this year than i have in the past 5 years i bet. I
want to raise a question to my audience. is downloading copyrighted porn
illegal? Is downloading copyrighted porn immoral? porn in itself is
immoral. having sex outside of love is wrong. so if i copy or
download a porn that i should have paid for, is that so wrong?
recently bought warcraft 3. and i’m going to play it. a lot.
it’s going to take up all my time. and there’s not a thing you can do
about it.
Sunday, November 17, 2002 – 11:10 pm – hi. i slept
all weekend. now i’m like wide awake. nothing new to say here.
sorry. so i’ll just blab. blab blab. i’ve been playing final
fantasy legend on gameboy. i’ve almost beat it. it will be the 3rd
time i’ve beaten this game. 2wice was on the real gameboy. years and
years ago. now, i’m playing it on my dreamcast using an emulator.
playing these games on my big screen tv is really cool. i dont want to
give away any secrets. a secret isn’t a secret when you tell someone.
i have secrets. i have things i wish were secrets. i have secrets i
wish i didn’t have, and i have things that are secrets just for the purpose of
me saying i have a secret. i dont trust anyone to know my secrets.
it can take me hours just to type up one paragraph here. it’s already been
15 minutes so far this one. i’m not inspired right now. too many
projects loom in my mind. i’m one to start many things, but never finish
one of them. this web site isn’t even finished. its been over a year
since i’ve had it. of course, a work like this can’t ever really be
finished. at some point, all the creative work in the world will have come
to an end. at some point, everything that could be created will have been
created. every song, every story, every piece of art. what will
humans do in a few million years when the sun explodes? the earth will be
no more. consider that? our children will have to have a new place
already established and thriving to continue life. you think there will be
people who stay behind because they dont want to leave their home? like
the freaks who dont leave home during a hurricane? we always are searching
for radio signals from aliens to see if we can detect any. i am a member
of the seti project. search for extra terreristals. i think we
should stop looking for their signals and start sending our signals on our own.
for the purpose of making contact. as far as i know, i dont think there
are any massive attempts at such. i just sent a picture of our last big
snow storm to a friend in the phillipines. she’s never seen snow in real
life. she can’t quite grasp the concept of being stuck in the house for
days and not being able to go out. ahh well. maybe it’ll snow soon.
i remember our last big snow happened on Thursday i think. saturday i had
a gig. luckily i got ahold of my step moms truck blazer thing.
luckily my dad came and plowed out my driveway. the gig was a go and it
was actually a good turnout. ahh well. no plans right now for a next
gig. i’ll let you know when.
by RadialMonster | Nov 12, 2002 | General
are you watching
24 this season? really exciting, really gets me going. catch it, fox
Tuesday nights at 9:00 pm. I received my new
Groovelily cd today. and as i
expected, it’s awesome too. and I was really hyped when i saw all the band
members had personally signed the cd! very awesome too. Now, i have
2 cd’s signed by them, the first i picked up at one of their shows a few months
ago and asked them to sign. check them out. They’ll be back in Cary,
NC at the Six String Cafe and Music Hall January 30, 2003. While
I’m plugging, the last artist i saw there was the wonderful
Allyson Light.
If you like Tori Amos, you’ll like Allyson. Although I don’t like to
compare artists like that. each artist is different. Allyson has
lots of talent, awesome piano, great lyrics and melody. be sure to see her
live. I’m sorry to say Allyson, but I picked up Water at your show (and
got a signature, thanks 😉 ) and it doesn’t do you justice. Allyson
will be performing at the Berkley Cafe in Raleigh December 6, 2002. She’ll
be opening for another artist, Alex Bach.
Show starts at 9:30. i’ll be there, maybe, i’ll try. oh
yea, ok i just went to the web site for Alex, and yea, i’m pretty sure i’m going
now 😉 plug plug plug, I took a road trip last night all the way to Chapel
Hill just to see a movie. But, extremely awesome movie, i’ve had to travel
to 2 theaters i’ve never even heard of before just to see this movie. Yes,
i’ve seen it twice. Spirited Away.
By the wonderful Hayao Miyazaki, same guy of Princess Mononoke fame, another of
my favorite movies. Spirited Away is the number 1 grossing
movie in Japan. Ever. Besting Titanic, Star Wars, whatever.
Spirited Away is #1. Here, it only plays in small unknown independent
theaters. Despite the gracious efforts of Disney to present this movie in
the US. This really outlines the major differences between our cultures.
In a land where business men are more likely to be seen riding the subway
reading manga (think comic books) than the newspaper. Here in America,
i’ve seen the movie twice, and each time, i was one of no more than 20 people in
the theater. it’s not advertised. not admitted. deemed
unfit because it’s a cartoon. Americans don’t appreciate art apparently.
I have more animated movies than live action in my DVD collection. I’ve
been to anime cons (check the con reports link to view some great pics!) to
spend 3 whole days of viewing anime. And i’m not just stuck on anime.
The Simpsons also hold a dear place in my funny bone. As do classics from
the Bugs Bunny family. Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry. Mad Magazine.
I still subscribe to Wired magazine mainly for the great artwork although I
could read all the articles online for free.
by RadialMonster | Nov 5, 2002 | General
I think this has
become a site “of interest to me at the time” what with all the cool links i’m
interested in. dammit. i know you come here for my opinions.
my insights. my bullcrap. but my problem is that i have so many.
ok, i’ll try one. today was voting day. I don’t vote so that i can
increase the percentage of people who don’t vote. it’s my protest against
the politicians. the liars, money grabbers, lobbyists. a person said
to me today vote for this guy because he won’t raise taxes. the american
people are always asking for more and more programs. things. give my
kids this at school. we need more books. more schools. i want
a cheaper education. i want my trash picked up off the side of the road.
this pothole in the street is ruining my car. we should aid the people
whose homes were destroyed in the hurricane. we need more cultural arts
programs. workers need a raise. teachers need to quit buying school
supplies out of pocket. blah blah blah. but people expect these
things to get done, and to continue the current programs and salaries without
raising taxes. how exactly is that supposed to happen? laws aren’t
passed based on the majority vote. they are based on the vote of a bunch
of old people who sit downtown who wave their hands and who stand to clap when
one of those old people get up and makes a statement so loud they run out of
breath. they plaster all their signs all over the place, littering.
i dont care. is the person with the most signs supposed to win? is
the person with the biggest sign supposed to win? on the signs, it does
not list their positions on things. it does not list if this is a good
person or not. it says vote for me. ooo well, there ya go. ok,
i’ll vote for you. but beside you is your competitor who says vote for
him. hmmm,,,, what to do? i would definitely vote if i could vote online.
but, i want to see the positions of the runners. side by side. by a
third party. each politician says on their ads how much the other
politicians suck. that’s not information i can use to base a vote on.
just like a high school homecoming queen, we’re voting for what people say,
who’s popular, not based on the real issues this person is supposed to be
representing. i have no clue what the people represent. all i know
is what they did wrong because that’s all the ads are on tv. i’m not going
to vote when i have to choose the lesser of two evils. if i feel strongly
for a person who will get something done, who is not corrupt, who is a down to
earth good person, then maybe i’d vote for him. all the politicians i’ve
ever met have been ass kissers. and it pisses me off. they kiss ass
all the way up to the top. they get so high up they just sit in an office
somewhere, talking to reporters, saying yah or neigh to stupid things like to
have cream in the coffee or not. i’ll give you some cream in your coffee.
i want to be able to say i want so and so percent of my tax dollars to go to
this program. i want a list of every program and thing my taxes are used
for. i want to be able to rate them from 1 to 10 on the matter of
importance it is to me. then have my tax dollars distributed
appropriately. the programs people dont demand, deal with it. you
get what you get. the people can’t complain that the government is being
unfair to programs, because the people gave them what they wanted to give them.
lobbying puts democracy out of the publics hands. it’s who you know, and
how much you got. that’s not the way of a just life. hence, i dont
vote. and yes, i’m registered.
by RadialMonster | Nov 4, 2002 | General
Its all a matter
of time. just be patient. War doesn’t have to be the answer to world
conflicts. But no one can come up with a plan that the trigger happy
people of the us of a can accept. Instant gratification can only be
served by killing the enemy. But it is a short term solution. If it
was a long term solution, they why is there still world conflict? Well,
finally something that makes some sense, here’s it at ya.
courtesy of
wired. and for that instant gratification part of you,
ya go Yea, i’ve
been here. and it’s
news to me too.
And i thought you said
wasn’t a slut? Pepsi
overstepped their bounds. I wish to bring back the days of the
wonderful Mayola chocolate milk in school. are YOU on
his hate
list? If we can get it on
Ebay, why can’t some rich terrorist? Talk about an , grats!
ehehhe – maybe i could
actually meet someone here… This lady
gets her revenge You just never hear about follow-ups
anymore. Pretty place, but i wouldn’t
drink the water.
How can a firefighter for 20 years
have never climbed a ladder anyway?
kick butt!
by RadialMonster | Oct 30, 2002 | General
what is your
costume? some guy said Jesus
used shrooms. who doesn’t
believe in ufo’s? how much sense does it take to put
do not eat labels
on candy for kids? I’d want her taken away too if i
saw her
strip. the guy that killed 3 people recently at the college of nursing
wrote a pretty
weird document before hand.
which one am I?
If you never saw the
old visual thesaurus, be sure to check out the
new one too
by RadialMonster | Oct 29, 2002 | General
I can get picky
about certain things. I can get angered, threatened, and vigilant about
things too. And after all, isn’t that why i have this little soap box
here? I’ve ranted in the past, and I’m going to rant now. because
I’ve read
something that pisses me off. you may not want to read this. it
probably wont interest you. so check back another time. or if I’m
feeling up to it, later in today’s post. but some of you like to read my
rants just cuz you think they’re funny. well, come on, this isn’t a college
thesis. I’m here to entertain. but i’m a protest of 1. I’m an
army of 1. i’m a master of my domain. but i’m hoping my rant will be
seen by someone that it will interest.
Nancy Carter cyberia lawyer Canada RFC bounced
message e-mail dispute
the gist of it is that Nancy Carter, a lady who doesn’t even
know what a
bounced message or RFC is, has decided to take it upon herself to force
isp’s to change the way they manage e-mail. there are so many things wrong with
this woman’s arguments i’ll have to take them a sentence at a time.
could this be the first instance of
her complaints? college essay writer I’m not. of course, it’s
easy to say isp’s have to change they way they handle email. smart people
realize isp’s don’t handle e-mail in regards to the way she’s talking.
that’s the job of the mail server. she needs to take her frivolous lawsuit
to the hundreds of companies that write mail server software. there is no
person sitting at some terminal at each isp that looks to be sure your account
is up to date and that your mail is properly handled. there is no person
that goes in and deletes your email when you cancel your account. there is
no person who closes your email when you dont pay your bill. it’s all done
in software. automagically. dumb asses like nancy carter should
realize that #1 you pay your bill. #2 if you find an error in your bill in
your favor, you are not free from the charges. #3 if you dont pay your
bill your service will be cut off. what do you think will happen when your
service is cut off? you cant use the service!! what happens when you
dont pay the phone bill? they cut off your phone. what happens when
they cut off your phone? You DONT RECEIVE PHONE CALLS. does the phone
company take a message for you? no. does the phone company forward the
call to your new number? no. if you don’t receive a phone call because you
haven’t paid your bill and the phone call was to tell you that you won the
lottery, would you sue the phone company for loss of income? why anyone
would expect email to work any different is beyond me.
I’ll give Nancy this. should have bounced
messages back to the sender if the account was closed. whether it was
because of non payment or cancellation doesn’t matter. as far as the mail
server is concerned, it is closed. i don’t know why they would have kept
the email account open, unless it was by mistake. should they of held
messages because she didn’t pay? probably. what’s an analogy?
I’ve ordered 10 pumperknickels 1 to be delivered to me each day for the next 10
days. they accidentally send me 10 a day instead of 1, still charging for
1 only. the next to the last day, i say, well damn, i’ve got all these
pumperknickels, what am i going to do? I know, i’ll sell them all for a
huge profit, i’ll get my next 10 tomorrow and i can sell them to my original
buyers. next day, vendor realizes this, doesn’t send you the last 10, and
charges you for the 90 you’ve got, or demand return of the extra 90 you’ve got.
you dont have the 90 anymore. you dont even have 10 to sell to your
original buyers. so you tell vendor screw you, i’m not paying but half of
what i owe, and i demand the other 10 right now. what the hell kind of
sense does that make?
I honestly try to be a fair person. I try not to take
advantage of the system. Not to bully anyone. I like to look out for
the underdog. just cuz. in my little click of friends, we are all
underdogs. a bunch of losers with parent who aren’t rich, who’s idea of
fun isn’t dressing in ambercombie and going to the soccer game and who doesn’t
get things done by bribing others with monetary donations or by technicality
lawsuits. common sense, honor, and the want to just do the right thing
should always prevail, damnit. Nancy Carter talks of the lawsuit against
her from as exceeding and unnecessary; while she’s suing them for
$110,000 because she didn’t pay her bill and her emails are blocked?
I know you want to e-mail her and let her know what you think. i’m so
kind. I found 2 other than her old address,
and nancar@SYMPATICO.CA
For the other readers who were expecting something funny, check this link
of a flying
I know you want to
email me too and sue me for
defamation and all sorts of crap. i’m lonely, i’ll welcome your emails.
even if they do bounce