by RadialMonster | Nov 5, 2007 | General
Finally got the pictures uploaded, 1500 pictures from the entire trip. I had an awesomefied time the whole weekend. Thanks to everyone for a great time, and the wonderful costumes. Hope you enjoy the pictures! My apologies ahead of time to those few that turned out bad. You are free to copy the picture onto your personal blog or profile or whatever, all I ask is you provide a link back to me for credit. I’d love it if you’d comment on the pics if you like them. I don’t know all the characters so comments about who they are would also be helpful. If the pic is you, feel free to comment and leave your blog or other contact info if you’d like so others can find it. Also, if you’d prefer to have your picture removed just let me know the picture and it will magically be gone. I may update this blog post with more info so if you’d like to save this link be sure to use the permalink of this post. My contact info is here.
Other thoughts, as they come along
Thanks to Jennifer Grow at for the beautiful artwork Balance!
So it turns out this picture:
Got ranked in the top 500 most Interesting pictures on Flickr on November 5th, 2007. With about 3000 images uploaded to flickr every MINUTE that’s pretty neat. If you’re looking for awesome new pics, check out their Explore feature for some awesome work. So far I’ve been listed twice, here’s the other one:
by RadialMonster | Nov 1, 2007 | General
I’ll be going to Nekocon this weekend. If you’re here looking for your picture I took and you’re seeing this I haven’t uploaded them yet! Chill out!! I’ll get them up as soon as I can.
I won’t be home until late Sunday night so will probably be Monday before I can get them uploaded.
If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, stay tuned. Those of you (like Dawn) that enjoy the pictures just hang on, you’ll see lots of pictures up here in the next few days.
Spent Halloween night packing and getting my electronics and things ready so I really missed out. Maybe will write more thoughts later. For now, just wanted to say you’ve come to the right place, check back very soon, send me an email if you’d like. I’ll be leaving right after work Thursday so this will be the last thing I can put up unless I can get a good Internet connection at our luxurious hotel suite! If so I may have time to upload some pics from the con, but will prob be too busy, you know how it is at the con!!
You can see my previous years convention pics here:
by RadialMonster | Oct 18, 2007 | General
I’d imagine that if we made a show for cable tv it would only be slightly better than these:
Crazy Psychic Pranked Over and Over – Watch more free videos
Although the show I did attempt turned out to be pretty gay:
by RadialMonster | Oct 9, 2007 | General
tonight I uploaded a few videos to my youtube account. See, I bet you didn’t know I even had videos up there.
My videos include some from the beach trip the other week, a virus infected computer, and lots of animals.
Tonight’s listening pleasure provided mostly by Ryan Adams. You are totally missing out on some of the greatest music in the world if you don’t support the effort to enhance your culture level. Their live music archive is probably the best in the world, patronize it, and download some of your favorite artists and new ones too all free and legally. Ok well, if you’re smart you may need to know funky stuff like about .flac and to be able to interpret the source codes to see which ones provide the best sound. But I’m sure you can figure it all out.
Hmm lets take a second and check out their wayback machine while i’m here.*/ – relive the history aha, if you go back far enough you’re where I had to manually edit each html file to create the ‘blog’ style website, and archive them each month. it appears the newer dates it picked up some javascript that forwards the site from to so it then takes you to right here. sorry bout that. hmmmm got to fix that*/
You can view almost any site, pick your favorite.
by RadialMonster | Oct 8, 2007 | General
Yesterday played racquetball for the first time. Had a great time, and as soon as I can move again I’m sure we’ll play again. Went to a movie earlier today, cleaned up the house some, acquired a new web site customer. Went shopping tonight, picked up some things, including what I’m listening to right now which is John Denver. I went looking for Eisley but didn’t have it. Since it’s not in the top 10 songs on the charts I’m sure walmart has never heard of them.
I’ll be attending Nekocon this year in November, hope to see you there. Considering buying a new camera before that, looking at the Canon XTi. Hmm I just got a text message saying I have a new match on hotornot. Hi there. Anyway, I bought some animation software about a month ago and have yet to be able to figure the damn thing out. I’d love to make some movies and share. In due time I guess.
Sorry, I actually don’t have any new pictures to share this time since the beach trip. Well, yes I do, but I haven’t dumped the new pics off the camera yet. Nothing important anyway. Meanwhile, my flickr group Me with a Pretty Girl has been doing decent with 19 members and almost 170 pictures. You can see my contributions here. Note that a pic of me with a pretty girl does not negate being single aha.
So this post ended up pretty pointless. Let’s make it interesting with some made up shit off the fly. I wrote the following story just now. Enjoy. Edit – Ok, you better really enjoy it I stayed up until 1:30 drawing that picture! I’m gonna be an artist one day yet aha. Show some love
by RadialMonster | Oct 7, 2007 | General
The first car I ever owned was a 1987 Plymouth Horizon. I think the year is right. My dad bought it for me from some crappy local used car lot. It was blue, a 4 door with a hatchback. Same body style as the Dodge Omni. Anyway, I drove that thing like crazy back in high school until finally the engine died one day, put it in some shop to have the engine rebuilt. It never did work right after that I thought. I found some guy in school that wanted to buy it, so I sold it for like 500 bucks to him, he bought it, drove to his place in Raleigh and it broke down that night. *sigh* I offered to pay to get it fixed, and he decided he just wanted his money back. so that he did, and I took the car back. I ended up with my dads old car after he got a new one, and parked the little horizon in the yard, saying i’d fix it up. That was like 10-15 years ago or so? I don’t know, a long time. And guess where it is today? Right in my backyard being used to collect rust I guess. If I can ever find the title to it I’ll sell it to a junk yard or something. I did drive it to where it rests, but it hasn’t had any love for years and years.
Plagiarized from myself.