Sunday, November 25, 2001

by | Nov 25, 2001 | General | 0 comments

Since most of you don’t read these news bits, just read this part :  NEW
MUSIC HAS BEEN ADDED!!  Please check it out, and let
me know
what you think.   i worked long and hard on this one, and
actually think it turned out nice.  Now, my rant time.   Its the
end of a long weekend and i needed to update.  On Thanksgiving, i attended
my first house blessing.  If i was to buy a used house, I’d get mine
blessed, cept i wouldn’t know who to get to do it.  Speaking of spam, i
recently got a email saying that all i had to do was pay like 50 bucks and i
could be an ordained priest!  man, is it really that easy?  😉
hmm lets check my random spam messages today..  hmm seems like I’ve been
offered a job to help some company collect child support payments. and i have
another offer to increase my penis size by 1 to 3 inches by simply
taking a pill.  
  it seems like i dont’ get nearly as much
spam on Sundays for some reason.  ahh well.  so I’ve been spending the
dough, does anyone want a dj for a party?  ive got almost all the equipment
now.  why dont you come see me and Mercy December 1, 2001 at Philly Bistro
in Wake Forest?  You know, you’d think these cables are cheap, but once you
realize you need like 10 cables for different things and each cable is like 20
bucks, it adds up real quick.  plus, my mixer has decided to add some
effects of its own when it’s playing, and i have to have this mixer saturday.
i found  a place in raleigh that would service it, under warranty too, but
i have no guarantee i’ll get it back before our gig.  so … as i’ve gotten
into the habit after learning the hard way, i like to have redundant everything,
i bought another one 🙂  🙁  money money money, i hope by doing these
gigs i’ll at least be able to pay for my equipment, that’s all i want.  i’m
not looking to get rich, yet.  then i could give Steve
back his amp and buy one of my own.  If i ever do any real dj’ing, i need a
sub, and an amp for my sub and another for my main speakers.  plus, i need
a van or truck or trailer or something or another.  but i’ll make do for
now.  so i needed to get a new cd player anyway because mine in my computer
room has been skipping a lot recently. its sooo old..  and i needed one for
mercy’s singing, so i found this nice one at best buy that is a 5 cd changer,
and does mp3’s!  how cool is that?  i haven’t tested the mp3 part yet,
but i should be able to burn a disk tonight for it.  it even has digital
out, and all for $120.  cant beat that.  cept the digital cables are
$40 bucks EACH!  that just broke my heart, seeing as i had to buy 2 of
them.  but now I’m set.  my wish list:  wireless microphone, 2
nice crown amps, subwoofer, crossover, equalizer, another cd player for mixing,
and a van.  sigh…


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