by RadialMonster | May 31, 2006 | General
I know lots of people are coming here looking for Animazement 2006 pictures. Unfortunately, I was unable to go this year. Instead, I went on a trip to Holiday World and Beech Bend amusement parks the same weekend. You can find more information about that trip at my other site you did know I had another site right?
Anyway, Because of this I had an extra camera, which I gave to my friend who DID go to Animazement 2006. I would then post them here for you to see. Unfortunately he let me down and did not take any pictures with it! Ahh well. sorry. I do plan to go to NekoCon this year since I missed Animazement.
by RadialMonster | Apr 19, 2006 | General
i’m not sure if you’ve ever heard or used flickr before, but flickr is highly regarded as one of the best photo sharing sites on the net. I’ve begun to post all my photo’s on flickr as it gives my pictures much wider audience, allowing people to find them easier, make comments and save as favorites. I have already had the unique pleasusre of being in the top 20 most “interesting” pictures! Bear in mind there are millions of pictures on flickr, so being in the top 20 is a real honor.
Also being millions of pictures, and hundreds of thousands of photographers, it can be difficult to get views on your pictures. I have also been luck enough to have this picture listed at over 300 views, and has been added to almost 30 people’s favorite list. By comparision my next highest picture has only 35 views.
I plan on adding all my pictures to flickr. I’ve already uploaded over 1200 pictures and i’m still in the 2002 dates! Please take a look at my photostream here
Comment on my pictures and add me as a contact, or a picture as a favorite!
Will post again when i’ve added more pictures!
by RadialMonster | Mar 17, 2006 | General
i cant get on da internets
ok, and what is the error you’re getting?
it says page can not be displayed
ok, so what happens when you dial it up
it says this right here
says what?
page can not be displayed.
ok but it has to try dial up the service, what is the error you get then?
i dont know
what do you click on to get on the internet?
the button
and what does that button say
the internet
ok try to get on the internet and tell me what youre clicking
i tried to get on, but it said somethign about a virus and i have to restore and i tried to restore but didnt nothing come up
do you knw if you have a virus scanner on the computer?
naw i dont even know
ok, go to internet explorer, tools and internet options. click connections at top. ok click setup on the right. and whats it asking for there?
ok it got like msn and programs and all that
hu? where do you see that at
where you told me it was it
but what did you just click on
the thing you told me to click on
and whats that look like again?
what i just told you
ok cancel that and try clicking setup again
ok now we got internet connection wizard
ok thats what we wanted
and what screen are you on?
the main screen
and whats on that screen?
nothing, just a blank screen
ok then try to get on the internet
yea ok its workin
by RadialMonster | Mar 2, 2006 | General
yea i cant get on to da internets
ok what kind of problem are you having
it aint expecting my name
ok what name are you using
my name i signed up fo
ok what name was that
its my first name and my babys name
ok whats your first name
yea and my baby’s name
ok and whats your first name
ok can you spell that
yea its jaliafigywa
ok and what is happening exactly?
da internets aint working
ok do you get an error message?
yea it’s just a blank screen
ok, and what does it say on the screen?
it dont say nuttin
it’s black?
naw it’s just got this thing on it that says error
ok, and what does it say on the screen?
it says it cant find da internets
by RadialMonster | Mar 2, 2006 | General
was an article i found on To help try to manage the non existance of actual content on this site, i’ll start posting some of my favorite and interesting places i’ve found on the net. enjoy!