by RadialMonster | Oct 19, 2006 | General
3 girlfriends ago, it was that i made her loose time in her past. Because she was with me, she didn’t go to college and all her friends left her. 2 girlfriends ago it was about time in the present. She was always there. from the first day we went on a date, i dont really remember a day after that until we broke up that we werent together. and now it’s about time in the future. not being able to spend enough time with her and our predetermined kid. want to know when these relationships were? I bet you could look at my archives here and see the time period where there were very few posts as opposed to the ones where there’s posts every few days.

i’m used to being alone, growing up as an only child and secluding myself from home life. I came to enjoy the things I enjoy, and I love to do them, to try to accomplish something in my life. Usually something creative. You have no idea how many little song’s i’ve written, how many poems and stories, online services from many many years ago, even before the internet, (i ran a bbs that gave people thier very first public internet email address in the area) until today where i’ve created a popular website seen the world over. And I don’t feel like i’m done. I have ideas out the ass of more things to create. It’s a popular theme here if you read back about not having enough time to do them all. I like to create, and people seem to like my creations fueling it. but those same people then want all my time then take away my creations, and ability to create. then i’m not happy. the ideal thing would be to have someone to help me realize my ambitions. to do so requires similar ideals and interests which i have yet to find apparantly. so what do i do? i feel i could live my life and never accomplish everything i want to do. it’s hard to explain. but think of the marathon runner who wants to run a 200 mile race but never can get to the finish. Each time he tries he comes up short. So the next time, he has to start all over again to get up to 200 and he just never makes it. should he give up? or continue towards his dream?
It’s almost Halloween. I doubt many people actually look at the archives here, so i’ll point you to some old scary stories I wrote. No One Can Help You Now written in 1995 and The Spirit Within written in 1994.
by RadialMonster | Oct 8, 2006 | General
Good friend Jonathan Hawkins film studies has forced him to undertake a more true to life short than the little stuff we’ve been doing ourselves. So, here comes the multiple thousands of dollars German made Arriflex 16 from Arri. 16mm film camera, some more info on the camera can be found here, I couldn’t find a really good page for this camera, as the camera is over 40 years old now.

I’d have to say the first step in making a film is to insert the film. Jonathan and Alison both had a class on how to load the film and use the camera, however, it ended up taking almost 2 hours to get the camera to a working on position.
Click just here for a more of a small picture snippet report – (more…)
by RadialMonster | Sep 29, 2006 | General
I have neglected this site for a while now, because I’m so busy with my other sites and personal and business projects. I rarely write anymore, however I do not like that fact and would like to write more again. But I have decided that this site, not including my writing and other nonsense I post here needs to be an aggregate for all things about me., flickr, life in general, when I update something somewhere, I will try my best to put it here.
That said, my most recent update I have is my photostream. You may view my pictures here, over 6000 in fact, including last weeks trip me and Lisa took to the mountains of North Carolina. I love comments on my pictures, so feel free to signin and post.

Thanks for staying in touch.
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by RadialMonster | Jul 5, 2006 | General
to me
july 5, the big 29
thanks goes out to
mom for singing happy birthday into my cell phone. dad, and john who came to visit. grandma for calling. yesterday, thinking my birthday was yesterday. but it still counts. lisa for making supper and the drawing. I got a card from my dad, and i think that was the only physical card. Jonathan, John.. lots of people/places sent emails or notes online though:
flicker birthday group
Ana Crisen
Ralphie Frank
happy_b_day_flickreenies! on picture of me
other random places i got emails from:
pepsi, movie-list, djchat, guild wars guru, webshots, palbyte, and electronic arts (who used to send physical cards btw when they were still decent).
On a side note *the* Gaile Gray herself, thats the Community Relations Manager for Guild Wars sent me a letter herself in reply to something I threw up on their site just basically thanking guild wars for a good game. i’ve definately gotten my $100 worth out of that game and way more so i sent a thank you note. She replied:
Thanks for the note, Phil! I will share it with the team. I know they
appreciate reading such friendly feedback on the game.
Best regards,
Gaile Gray
Community Relations Manager
Gaile is like… like… uh .. the Condeleza Rice of Guild Wars. When mrs rice speaks, the terrorists duck and cover. When she says something that’s the word and when you hear news from her it’s dead on straight from the top. I mean Gale’s like the Kernel of KFC, like the Gecko of Geico, like Paula Werne of HolidayWorld. (Paula, the Public Relations person of Holiday World recently emailed me after she recieved news that I may not be coming to their amusement park due to various circumstances: “Um…just come, okay? Thanks, Paula”)
Anyway, thanks all for the birthday wishes. Hope I didnt forget anyone!!!
If you’re not watching, be sure to check out my other much more active site for crazy antics, and for the photo lovers out there, my flickr photostream.
by RadialMonster | Jun 8, 2006 | General
This photo of mine is listed on the Yahoo page for the World’s Best Beaches! Congrats to me!
Check it out here: