by RadialMonster | Sep 12, 2001 | General
if you dont know of
the terrible tragedy here in USA yet, you are severely deprived. read up
on or something. anyway for
my special take on the whole thing: i found some pictures and stuff around
the net about the situation. some of these came from the wonderful
so give them a visit sometime. Most of the following i’ve pulled from IRC
chat’s i’m on now. Very interesting stuff, give me props for being your
favorite news site, ok?
The freakiest thing i have seen is this set of posts on a
newsgroup from a guy called
Xinoehpoel. Google
can be wierd to navigate, so I’ll copy the important ones here.
On August 31, he posted this:
Something is going to happen tomorrow. This is a witness against everyone on
this newsgroup. I hate this newsgroup, and everyone on it sucks. REPENT! You
are all evil liars! Do not be so evil, and be holy. You are going to get me
killed because of the truth of my mouth. I am not telling you what is going
to happen until it does, because an EVIL and adulterous generation seeks for
a sign.
someone replied with this:
Dear Xin,
The first post in this thread was from you, saying that
something was going to happen on August 31, and that you
would tell us what that thing was after it happened,
presumably on September 1. I was only noticing that you
hadn’t followed through on what you said you’d do, and
instead had only written, “This is a witness against
everyone on this newsgroup.”
Now you write, “Since when do I post prophecies, other
than end of the world ones?” Are you now saying that you
are taking back your promise to tell us the thing that you
said was going to happen on August 31? Or are you saying
that the thing that happened August 31 was a witness against
everyone in this newsgroup, with no more specification than
Just looking for some consistency and follow through from
you. I am interested in what happened on August 31 that
fulfilled your premonition of August 30. Or has it not
happened yet, and you are going to tell us after it does,
whatever the date?
Tom McDonald
Then on September 4, 2001, the Xin guy posted this in
Wait 7 days, and then maybe I’ll answer this post. You see, I
am going away
in seven days, and you will not hear from me again.
September 6, 2001 he posted this
I said it was a witness, ie. a testimony. The testimony always
comes before
the prophesied judgment. For if I no testimony had been delivered, you would
not be guilty of sin. If you’ve been tracking me at all, you know the
prophesies I have made. The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm
as you now suggest. Truly, you only see what you want to see, and for this
reason, people must be destroyed, because although they can see, they are
yet blind.
Finally on September 11, 2001 the day of this event he posted this:
7 days ago I said in 7 days from then I would explain the meaning of my 911
prophecy. A witness against everyone in America!!! US, the cry of your sins
has reached unto heaven!!! Now I go away. The witness is thus completed.
After the witness, if the people don’t repent, there will AN EVEN GREATER
witness, and an EVEN GREATER punishment if the people do not repent. (Of
course they wont! Only individuals repent, never the whole nation!) Don’t be
stupid SUSA. Bin Laden is not responsible for these attacks. SATAN himself, the
GOD of the EARTH is responsible for these attacks, your own KING!! Check your
history, you’ll see! They are a test to see if Americans are STUPID ENOUGH to go
to war with a completely INNOCENT country over it. To see if America is STUPID
ENOUGH to arrest INNOCENT people over it.
DAMN YOU MILITARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cup of your sin in almost full. God is going to pour out his wrath all
over America. Get the hell out right now. Do not be partakers of the sins. Quit
your jobs. Go out into the deserted areas of the earth. Live there instead. The
world will be destroyed. This is unavoidable. You can only try to take a few
people with you as you go. What more can you do? X
There are lots of posts by him and replies from other
people on the newsgroups
Read the ones from
Xinoehpoel starting on August 31.
Check out the one especially on September 4. Then read the one today
That dude scares me.
In case the links stop working, search for 911 in the nostradomas news group i think it is. Here’s the only place i’ve found
of footage of the first plane crashing into the WTC.
I haven’t actually seen it yet, i’m on modem 🙁 so tell me if it doesnt work.
This guy has
great pics of the tower. okay, Here is another site with a
of videos on it including the first plane crash. This just on IRC –
<Icos> If you want insignificant number coincidences, The plane numbers were 93 (9+3 = 11 today) 75 (7+5 = 12
tommorow) 175 (7+5+1 = 13 next day) and 77 (7 +7 = 14, the next day)
here is an old pic of the city view, you can clearly see the
towers in this one. it
was so pretty. Want to donate money to Red Cross? Here’s
a very quick and easy way to do so. Info on the guy
currently suspected to be involved with this. Rumor has it the Exec
Producer of Frasier was on one of the planes and a couple of LA Kings Scouts,
and the guy who cofounded Akamai Tech.
Anyone into more predictions? Not sure where these are
from but maybe Nostrodomas. Bom-Skwad quoting HerbalK –
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> At forty-five degrees, the sky will burn,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Fire approaches the great new city,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> When they want to have verification from the Norman
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> (Century VI, Quatrain 97)
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth.
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> will cause the towers around the New City to shake,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Two great rocks for a long time will make war,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> And then Arethusa will color a new river red.
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> (Century 1, Quatrain 87)
Looked at the Riot cam
in Manhattan now, its after 1:00am and it is completely empty of people!
reports that people that are still trapped in the rumble who are alive are
calling family members with their cell phones. just heard that two of the
flight attendants on one flight called for help because they had been stabbed
before they crashed into the center. taleban
web site has been hacked. not sure if it’s related to this
though. Here’s another
site with archives of pics and movies. ok oh my god. some one posted
this on irc and i saw the pic and thought it was new. but apparently it is
not, in fact at least 3 months old because of times of print. check
out this photo that was posted in the October edition of Wired
page 170 as someone’s album cover. Here’s a site that has even
more footage of the events This game
is just soo sad. And now i’ve lost track of the links i’ve
posted. but here’s another one i don’t care if i repeat them. its tooo
late. this one is of
pics and movies
Well it’s 2:00am now and i’ve done my civil duty. Thanks
for staying tuned and checking on the site. i’m going to keep my irc on
tonight and log everything, maybe some new info and links will pop up. if
i get anything interesting it’ll be here later tomorrow.
by RadialMonster | Sep 7, 2001 | General
Yep, it’s almost midnight and i haven’t eaten supper yet! i was so tired
from staying out late last night i went to bed when i got home from work and
woke up around 10 or so. Last night I went again to Crowley’s, open mic
night is awesome. Very talented set of musicians to go see if you are in the
Well, i’ve decided to try something i hadn’t
tried before. and i tell ya i think it’s pretty sweet, its acid.
yea, acid can so some crazy stuff and its really helped my creative
abilities. therefore, go to my music section and download my 3 new songs
done while using acid. its techno/dance style stuff. of particular
interest there is a song dedicated to my work buddy Steve who thinks he knows
everything and is a general wise ass. you know, pretty much like me.
no new poetry right now, that i can think of.
im gonna go make me a sandwich
by RadialMonster | Aug 29, 2001 | General
It’s been a very long time since I have written a poem that did NOT get shared to anyone. One that is so special, about a particular person, and so precise to my life that it gets it’s own little file on my sacred hard drive. Like I’m gonna tell ya! so don’t even think about it! if it’s meant for you then you will hear it one day. i know this means jack to you because i’m talking about something you’ll never see, but its important to know that there are now a total of only 5 works in my little personal directory for my whole life. In related news, I HAVE added a few new poems to my poetry collection on here since the last update. How to get to them? Go to poetry and go to the August poetry, silly!
This is not to say that all my poetry is not about any one person in particular. some of them are, in fact some of the august and july poems are about certain individuals, however, they aren’t special. and the poetry isn’t special in that it is foreshadowing an unseen event as this newest one is. for instance, for the july issue, poems written on the 10th are about one person (you must be dumb if you can’t figure that one out), the 19th is about another, 29th about the same 10th one. In the august edition, the one on the 2nd is about a new lady, and the 5th an even different lady! the one on the 19th is my feelings about the series escaflowne after i finished watching it that night. All the others for those 2 months are just poems. They may have been inspired by a particular person, feeling or event, but in general they are not "about" someone. anyway, just some info for you. see if you can figure out who these named poems are about, betcha can’t.
during work today, the other guys and I were invited to a recently shut down factory to see if there was anything we wanted to take off their hands. it was very sad to see this huge building full of extremely large and hefty-duty machinery just sitting there. the gentleman showing us around showing us what they were offering to get rid of. we went into peoples offices and he pointed out the guy’s desk, chair, file cabinets, shelves, and the like thing and saying they were hoping to get rid of the stuff for even the smallest amount of money. just so it can be taken off the site. people worked at this company, some all of their lives I’m sure. these items may be just items to us, but they were a part of their everyday life and belongings. and here we are, a bunch of guys pointing at this guys huge desk, 21" computer monitor and the like things saying "yea i wouldn’t mind having that at home" and "i’d give them 5 bucks for that" sort of statements and it’s very sad. the building is full of 53,000 pound machines (each), each costing $800,000 new and they are stripped down to parts, flushed of oil via a big tanker truck who pulled up to the building, just waiting to be sold to the highest bidder. these machines provided food and shelter to families that worked them in the area, the people are gone, and hustle and bustle of the site is gone, and now they are looking for a way to cut their losses any way they can. that’s my reflection of today for ya
in the you did not need to know this department, my cats must have just laid a big one, because my bedroom now reeks and in the i noticed but didn’t care dept, i made all the dates in the entries here bold, so you can more easily see where the new news ends and the old begins
by RadialMonster | Aug 26, 2001 | General
gesh, it’s been way too long now. no, i haven’t neglected my work here, in fact i have been writing poetry, and have been trying to decide on a way to post the poetry, since i write a new one several times a week now, it would take a lot of room to put each poem up each time i write one. so i think i have decided to combine all the ones i write in a month onto a single page. so.. that said, check out my August poetry page under the poetry section!
I just got in from a local club called Philly Bistro. The headliner tonight was my wonderful and very talented friend Mercy! She is from the Philippines, and has performed in China with a band there for a while. She came to America about 2 years ago, and tonight was her first gig here, so congratulations Mercy. Part of the reason i haven’t been here much is because Mercy and I have been working together transferring a demo tape of hers to CD. We finally finished that recently, and she has been handing it out to people who are interested, like Philly Bistro, some local bands, and some of the larger clubs in Raleigh. Next step is we are going to do brand new recording on my digital equipment. It will increase the quality of the music, and enable her to focus more on her singing while i focus on doing the recording and mixing. Plus, being digital, we can edit the tracks as we see fit, so it will be a huge bonus for her.
Speaking of music, I am lonely now because I had to take my new acoustic and electric guitars to the repair shop. Seems that the neck needs some adjusting and could use a few other enhancements, and since I have no idea how to go about doing that, I found a local guy who could perform the work for me. So, expect to hear some new stuff from me sometime soon when i get them back this week.
I also have been busy playing a MUD recently, and it has engrossed my life. If you aren’t familiar with muds, they are essentially like the old text based adventure games, however you play them online, and with a lot of other people! you can form groups, carry out role playing, and just have a good time killing things! Download ZMUD at and connect to one of the few hundred available games. most of them are free, but the zmud program is shareware. The one I have been playing is Age of Chaos, I am Brumah on there. so find me and let’s group!
by RadialMonster | Jul 31, 2001 | General
ok, yea i’ve
been slack on here this week. song of the day is Janet Jackson – Better
Days cuz today will be the start of better days, er so I hope. last night
and through till earlier this morning it was Cranberries – Empty. being
depressed and lonely sure does generate a lot of thoughts, but that’s good
because it helped to create some new poetry. I’ve been writing just about
each night, and although my recent poems are depressing and hard to understand
if you don’t know my personal life, they are good works of art with their own
merit. here is one very recent one that that actually turned out to
be very true, you figure out what it means –
you can’t convince me
to despair myself
once tainted never again
stirred thoughts occupy my loneliness