Sunday, September 29, 2002

Last nights show was great.
too bad you missed it 😉  didnt’ have as big as crowds as our last show .
i said as 4 times already.  its hard to write something poetic when your
listening to rock music.  i keep people on my yahoo messenger list that i
dont talk to anymore just so i can see that someone else is online too and i
dont feel so bad.  i saw jackie chan the other night on conan obrien.
you haven’t lived until you see jackie chan impersonate james brown.  i’m a
sex machine!  I feel good!  dont you think he wrote those two songs
together?  where it’s at.  i have no point tonight.  maybe i’ll
work on some music.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

ok, the
mourning period has lost it’s fadness.    If you’re at all
interested, come see me and Mercy at Front Row in Wake Forest, NC on Saturday,
Sep 28 2002 starting at about 8:00 pm and lasting prob till midnight.
you’ll enjoy it.  really.  Of course, Mercy’s the talent.  i just
make her sound good 😉  eheh yea.  working on transferring the last
show to computer this week.  working on a solution to my transportation
problems.  taking my mom out for her birthday.  went out tonight with
a friend.  it’s 11:11 pm.  aint got any recording done yet.
tomorrow i take my car to get some modifications done oooo.  my baby.
getting a trailer hitch, and getting a trailer.  no more renting and
borrowing vehicles.  as you can tell my life is just busy now.  hard
to be in the mood to write here.  but all of a sudden after this coming
Saturday, it will all be very boring again ahh well.  planning on going to
busch gardens sometime in the near future.  ok, i actually have some
pictures i want you to see.  check them out at this link for now:
  enjoy.  I’ll fix
them up better one of these days.  aha right.

Wednesday, September 12, 2002

if you dont know of
the terrible tragedy here in USA yet, you are severely deprived.  read up
on or something.  anyway for
my special take on the whole thing:  i found some pictures and stuff around
the net about the situation.  some of these came from the wonderful
so give them a visit sometime.  Most of the following i’ve pulled from IRC
chat’s i’m on now.  Very interesting stuff, give me props for being your
favorite news site, ok?

The freakiest thing i have seen is this set of posts on a
newsgroup from a guy called

can be wierd to navigate, so I’ll copy the important ones here.

On August 31, he posted this:

Something is going to happen tomorrow. This is a witness against everyone on
this newsgroup. I hate this newsgroup, and everyone on it sucks. REPENT! You
are all evil liars! Do not be so evil, and be holy. You are going to get me
killed because of the truth of my mouth. I am not telling you what is going
to happen until it does, because an EVIL and adulterous generation seeks for
a sign.

someone replied with this:

Dear Xin,

The first post in this thread was from you, saying that
something was going to happen on August 31, and that you
would tell us what that thing was after it happened,
presumably on September 1.  I was only noticing that you
hadn’t followed through on what you said you’d do, and
instead had only written, “This is a witness against
everyone on this newsgroup.”

Now you write, “Since when do I post prophecies, other
than end of the world ones?”  Are you now saying that you
are taking back your promise to tell us the thing that you
said was going to happen on August 31?  Or are you saying
that the thing that happened August 31 was a witness against
everyone in this newsgroup, with no more specification than

Just looking for some consistency and follow through from
you.  I am interested in what happened on August 31 that
fulfilled your premonition of August 30.  Or has it not
happened yet, and you are going to tell us after it does,
whatever the date?

Tom McDonald

Then on September 4, 2001, the Xin guy posted this in

Wait 7 days, and then maybe I’ll answer this post. You see, I
am going away
in seven days, and you will not hear from me again.

September 6, 2001 he posted this

I said it was a witness, ie. a testimony. The testimony always
comes before
the prophesied judgment. For if I no testimony had been delivered, you would
not be guilty of sin. If you’ve been tracking me at all, you know the
prophesies I have made. The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm
as you now suggest. Truly, you only see what you want to see, and for this
reason, people must be destroyed, because although they can see, they are
yet blind.

Finally on September 11, 2001 the day of this event he posted this:

7 days ago I said in 7 days from then I would explain the meaning of my 911
prophecy. A witness against everyone in America!!! US, the cry of your sins
has reached unto heaven!!! Now I go away. The witness is thus completed.
After the witness, if the people don’t repent, there will AN EVEN GREATER
witness, and an EVEN GREATER punishment if the people do not repent. (Of
course they wont! Only individuals repent, never the whole nation!) Don’t be
stupid SUSA. Bin Laden is not responsible for these attacks. SATAN himself, the
GOD of the EARTH is responsible for these attacks, your own KING!! Check your
history, you’ll see! They are a test to see if Americans are STUPID ENOUGH to go
to war with a completely INNOCENT country over it. To see if America is STUPID
ENOUGH to arrest INNOCENT people over it.
DAMN YOU MILITARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 The cup of your sin in almost full. God is going to pour out his wrath all
over America. Get the hell out right now. Do not be partakers of the sins. Quit
your jobs. Go out into the deserted areas of the earth. Live there instead. The
world will be destroyed. This is unavoidable. You can only try to take a few
people with you as you go. What more can you do? X

There are lots of posts by him and replies from other
people on the newsgroups
Read the ones from
Xinoehpoel starting on August 31.

Check out the one especially on September 4.  Then read the one today here.

That dude scares me.

In case the links stop working, search for 911 in the nostradomas news group i think it is. Here’s the only place i’ve found
of footage of the first plane crashing into the WTC.

I haven’t actually seen it yet, i’m on modem 🙁 so tell me if it doesnt work.
This guy has some
great pics
of the tower.    okay, Here is another site with a
bunch of videos on it including the first plane crash. This just on IRC –

<Icos> If you want insignificant number coincidences, The plane numbers were 93 (9+3 = 11 today) 75 (7+5 = 12
tommorow) 175 (7+5+1 = 13 next day) and 77 (7 +7 = 14, the next day)

here is an old pic of the city view, you can clearly see the
towers in this one.  it
was so pretty
.   Want to donate money to Red Cross?  Here’s
a very quick and easy way to do so.
  Info on the guy
currently suspected
to be involved with this.  Rumor has it the Exec
Producer of Frasier was on one of the planes and a couple of LA Kings Scouts,
and the guy who cofounded Akamai Tech.

Anyone into more predictions?  Not sure where these are
from but maybe Nostrodomas.  Bom-Skwad quoting HerbalK –

<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> At forty-five degrees, the sky will burn,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Fire approaches the great new city,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> When they want to have verification from the Norman
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> (Century VI, Quatrain 97)

<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth.
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> will cause the towers around the New City to shake,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> Two great rocks for a long time will make war,
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> And then Arethusa will color a new river red.
<BoM-SKwad> <HerbalK> (Century 1, Quatrain 87)

Looked at the Riot cam
in Manhattan now, its after 1:00am and it is completely empty of people!
reports that people that are still trapped in the rumble who are alive are
calling family members with their cell phones.  just heard that two of the
flight attendants on one flight called for help because they had been stabbed
before they crashed into the center.   taleban
web site has been hacked
.  not sure if it’s related to this
though.  Here’s another
with archives of pics and movies. ok oh my god.  some one posted
this on irc and i saw the pic and thought it was new.  but apparently it is
not, in fact at least 3 months old because of times of print.  check
out this photo  
that was posted in the October edition of Wired
page 170 as someone’s album cover.  Here’s a site that has even
more footage
of the events  This game
is just soo sad
.  And now i’ve lost track of the links i’ve
posted.  but here’s another one i don’t care if i repeat them. its tooo
late.  this one is of
pics and movies

Well it’s 2:00am now and i’ve done my civil duty.  Thanks
for staying tuned and checking on the site.  i’m going to keep my irc on
tonight and log everything, maybe some new info and links will pop up.  if
i get anything interesting it’ll be here later tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

I started this
web site over a year ago.  I keep all my writings that have been on the
site.  Today, what more can I do for you than to relive that moment.
The night on 2001, September 11 and into the morning of 12th and a bit
thereafter, i lurched on IRC where i found tons and tons of people providing
info on the events.  I logged all the chats during that time, and this
glimpse of time on this one particular IRC channel provides insight to what was
going on during that time.  no one knew anything, it was all speculation.
rumors.  eye witness reports.  in these chat’s you’ll find links to
just then taken collections of photographs, movies, message board threads.
all sorts of things. for the first time, (i think)  i’m posting them here.
I heard the news that morning while at work.  I was on the phone with a
customer who mentioned that two planes had just crashed into the towers.  I
honestly thought they were joking.  She swore she was watching it on TV.
Now, mind you, I work at an internet company.  We have 2 T1 lines into our
office.  I can download 150kbps on my workstation there.  But almost
all throughout the day, NO news website would even come up.  Occasionally,
CNN or Foxnews would come up. and show a headline or something then be cut off.
It’s ironic that we should be a source of information, yet we had absolutely
none.  We heard more from personal phone calls and regular radio than any
other method.  i came home that night and watched the videos on TV.  i
cant describe my feelings to you.  but i knew that i wanted to do
something.  and then here sits my own little soap box.  That night, i
sat on IRC, browsed all the web sites, did everything i could and as i found out
something new, i’d add it to the news post and save the page.  i bet i
saved my page about 50 times that night.  I had no idea i would create such
a huge post about the whole thing.  but i felt like i had something i could
do to contribute, so here goes.  ok, enough of that.   Here is an
exact copy of the news that I posted for September 11, 2001.  Some of the
links probably no longer work. but i have tried a few of them and some still do
work.  enjoy

i’d love to hear from ya


I have failed in my duties.  like 20 days, almost.  sorry.  work has overcome me.  i’m so tired when i get home i dont want to do much of anything.  I even take naps sometimes when i get home and dont wake up till 10:00 then i eat supper.  in the past few weeks, i’ve dj’d another show, i’ve feared for my life in a storm, i’ve worked on a crane, i’ve made reservations for this weekend.  i contemplated buying an xbox.  because i wanted to play shenmue 2.  but then i figured i’d better finish shenmue 1 first.  so i’ve played that quite a bit.  i’ve gotten addicted to i’ll waste all hours of the night on that thing.  then i chat with whoever online for hours, and i eat dessert later and ahhh.  and i make excuses as to why i haven’t written here.  but i made up for it, i even put up a new web cam pic.   i think i’ve even written a new poem, but i haven’t posted it here yet.  so yea, i’m taking one of my annual trips to busch gardens this weekend.  a great 3 day vacation is ahead of me.  but, now i’ve gotten chatting again online, and although i was going to rant and all that, it’s already 12:40 am here.  it took me over an hour to write this one paragraph.  that’s the story of my life

What’s interesting to me tonight is the investigation of over 7,000 people in Britain for child pornography.  Call me stupid, or naive, but I didn’t know that many people lived in Britian.  Ok, not so much, but i know it’s small. And 7,000 people for such a small place really seems like a whole lot of people, so anyway damn!  what’s wrong with you people?  Apparently, the FBI setup an undercover operation.  You know what that means, they took pics of naked kids and offered them up for download.  not really, but it’s a ironic thought.  anyway, they did create a Yahoo group.  of course, said group does not exist anymore.  also, this supposed url to a new york news article of a police officer busted in this investigation does not exist anymore. a search on the web site shows nothing under ‘candyman’.  anyway, this was called Operation Candyman.  They traded ftp sites and the like of places that carried kiddie porn.   a search on all newsgroups found this particularly interesting thread including some news of this item, some of the accused, and some other political revelations.  however, the number of people included in the investigation is contradicting across news stories.  In the first article i linked, it says 7,000 people in Britain.  In this one, it says 7,000 total worldwide and about 2,500 in Britain.  In the official FBI release,  it says 7,000 people worldwide, and 2,400 in other countries outside US. That doesn’t add up either, since they conducted the investigation worldwide.  Interesting at how some of these people who have been under investigation are so ashamed, more than a handful have committed suicide.  One even committed suicide before his trial came to be.  Turned out, government agencies were not able to hack the passwords he had hiding his porn collection, hence no evidence, hence he could not be convicted.  The guy would of gotten off free, but he killed himself before hand.  So what’s my point?  Well, one, why the discrepancy in numbers between the articles?  And, do i really need to say it?  Dare I even contemplate it?  Ok, if you haven’t already, i’ll do it for you.  They have all this power and lure to capture these kiddie porners.  They create fake messaging groups, fake web sites, charge people for access and capture and investigate credit cards.  They are in cahoots with the ISP’s to provide information about these people.  This investigation has been ongoing since 2000.  And here, it comes.  Yes, i dare say it.  i might as well.    But they can’t do a search on some terrorists who internationally plan and attack their targets?  Ok, i’ll leave it at that.

Maaya Sakamoto’s newest works are reminiscent to me of some Tori Amos.  Especially Here, and Daniel does too a bit.  ah hell, all 4 samples you can get from the site sound like Tori. But, don’t compare.  I’m not comparing.  I should say remind.  They are very different individual artists.  And yes, Here, Daniel and Toto are in English in case you’re scared.   you can hear some samples from her official site.

Some lady had her credit card stolen.  The thief used the card to place bets on a horse race.  He won, money was deposited directly into her credit card account.  Thief is arrested, she keeps money!  I wouldn’t complain either. 

The memory hole.  I found this one particulary interesting.  Some guy found caribou calfs in a place where oil drilling was going to take place.  he placed a map of it on a web site.  he got fired.  map now deleted.

Extreme ironing!! My God, i have never read such an article before in my life that clearly is the true establishment of redneck, mental anguish and pain and just simply damn bizarre.  Is it bad I can relate to some points in it?  I especially don’t see what’s wrong with aliens walking around the dead man’s body while he laid in bed for a month.

Have some fun    Gesh what an intro!

I was told not to link here.

Have some fun Gesh what an intro!

I was told not to link here.

i feel like writing, but don’t feel like linking.  deal with it.  hear my rants.  contemplate my thoughts.  I’ve been listening to more Maaya Sakamoto recently.  nice stuff, even the Japanese songs.  I just bought a new 120gb hard drive.  i replaced my 60gb here in this computer.  i’m moving the 60 to another computer.  haven’t done that part yet.  but i moved my sound card from this computer to my old computer.  and I’ve recorded a demo song tonight (not me) and it worked perfectly.  so now i can use my audigy to record.  yay.  i know that made no sense to you.  you don’t care.  you don’t even know how to turn your computer off.  somehow it came on, and it’s been on ever since.  i know. ok, so i made one link.  deal with that.  i removed 2 months worth of news from the front page toinght.  dammit ive typed 5 2word s and ave made 503032 mistakes so i’m not using the pbackspae  ce key anyjmore tongth.  dammit. i must be tiredddddd.ahh well. i had ice cream already.    this hemisphere is not really round.  more like a half radius.  is half the distance from the center around to the radius cut in half if you half the size of the circle?  but how can you half something that only has 1 side?  so i’m not here.  this time is my life.  you can’t determine what you said to me tonight.  i cant even determine what i’m writing.  i can now say i’ve played a bass guitar.  no biggie.  i want a set of drums.  even just to see if i’d like it.  ha, i cant even play the instruments i have and i want more?  maybe drums are my calling.  maybe my calling is just to record and mix and provide sound rather than to make the notes.  or maybe it’s to be a nobody that people go to the webpage of just to cheer them up because the person writing is so lame.  so where do i go to get cheered up?  i go to and search for a random phrase and select images and see what pops up.  i go to and see how many people have clicked on my ad there.    this isnt as political as i thought it would have turned out to be.  sorry, not in the mood maybe.  i’ll stop while i’m behind.   write me!! or contact me on yahoo messenger my screen name is radialmonster.  also visit  and enjoy!