Sunday, January 13, 2002

News is that I
decided tonight to do something i could do in about an hour.  I have a
small lyric in my head i want to put to a song, but I didn’t think i could write
the full song.  I thought of making a map for UT, but decided i couldn’t do
that in an hour.  I thought of making a song and decided against that too.
so i thought i would write on this web site and explain why I couldn’t do what i
wanted to do in an hour for an hour, but then i realized the irony is that i
would have wasted an hour writing about how i couldn’t do something in an hour
which i would have ended up doing something anyway either way.  sure.
so I wrote a song.  get it under the music link.  jazzy style,
and very short and simple, but its pretty neat I think.  I worked all
weekend recording Mercy’s show from last Saturday into my computer and making
CD’s.  I’m trying to figure out a way to record in real time on site and
burn the cd’s there and sell them.  wouldn’t that be neat?  and I
found a bunch of other karaoke equipment that i may be interested in to fill the
gaps between shows and offer a mobile karaoke service.  i think it would be
neato.  i love music and it’s what i want to end up doing anyway so i need
to do something useful in my life.  aww. i had a new addition to my
loneliness page tonight, but i forgot it.  however, it assumes a new one
anyway, and that is that you have a loneliness page in the first place.

Thursday, January 9, 2002

of course, our show
was a success Saturday night.  and since so many of you came and wanted to
see more, our next show is the 19th of january, saturday night same time same
place.  no new news worthy of sharing right now.  i received my new
sound card this week and my next project is to record our shows that we’ve done.
we want some cd’s to give out to some places so maybe they’d hire us.  this
audigy is really great, no noise, i
got the external drive for it so it sits right next to my mixer board so i can
really plug and play.  however, the digital in doesnt hook to my digital
out on my mixer or recorder, so i can’t transfer songs digitally, but it’s still
reallll clean songs. ohh yea

Friday, January 4, 2002

so i’m snowed in a
foot of snow here.  i went to my dads and helped shovel out the driveway so
someone could drive out.  tomorrow we will work on my driveway.  i
have no where i have to go, cept just one minor detail.  mercy and i have a
gig tomorrow night.  all the equipment is in my house.  i’m not sure
how we’re going to do this but we will give it a go and attempt to load up the
vehicle with speakers and equipment and amps and the like.  the show must
go on, right?  and we need to do it so people will have something to do on
a cold saturday night.  hey, what are you doing on a cold saturday night?
nothing, i knew it.  you are all losers like me.  so come to philly
bistro in wake forest and watch me and mercy, show starts at 7pm January 5th.

Merry Christmas eve! i finally got my computer in a state to be able to update this thing. I decided it was time to upgrade my old computer, so i got a new athlon xp 1700, 512ddr, 60gb ibm hard drive and the soundblaster audigy platinum ex. i also upgraded to winxp. this thing kicks some booty now. now i have enough drive space to do some more recording, i ran out earlier with my 30gb. but anyway, other than that, not been doing a whole lot to talk about. there’s no new music, or poems or anything here, yet. i’ve got a few songs i’m working on now. and if you were planning on coming to see me and mercy on the 28th, dont. it’s been rescheduled for the 5th of january. we’ll be at philly bistro again in wake forest. and now i’ve got some new device that is supposed to get rid of feedback, and it looks complicated. of all the equipment i have its the most difficult to learn. all the rest you just plug in,, turn it on and press play pretty much. but i hope it will turn out all right. anyway.. i have to go get ready, lots of moving around today and tomorrow. i need to get my web cam software set back up too so i can update that…. dont worry your not missing anything anyway

so, last night was a success. saturday, we set the whole thing up in my living room and practiced a bit. Then we had to load it all up into a truck thing and take it over and set it all up again. i think it went nicely. many thanks to the people who helped with this, who are mercy of course for singing, Steve for his amp and making of some speaker stands, his girlfriend Paige just cuz, my dad and step-mom for loaning a vehicle, and especially my new friend Emily for coming and supporting me 😉

Monday, November 26, 2001

ohhhhh yea so you know you’ve been playing video games too long when you see the
first Christmas decorations in your town and the first thing you think of is
Shenmue at Christmas time.  for those not in the know, shenmue 2 has been
cancelled in the us for dreamcast.  it has been moved to an xbox
exclusive.  when i get rich again, i’ll buy an xbox.  and i might just
have to buy a ps2 so i can play the final fantasy series.  speaking of
dreamcast, here’s a great dc emulation site:  consolevision.
it amazes me how these guys can figure out how to program that little box.
there’s even emu’s for the ps2 now.  and what’s the point of buying a
gameboy advance when you can get the games and an emulator online?  i am
into emulation, but i’m more into the collecting part of it.  i like to
have the old old arcade games.  pacman, tron, asteroids.  i like to be
able to play them and not have to pay 25 cents a pop.  plus, there are
quite a few new games on the emu scene.  the ones that use the custom 3d
hardware aren’t emulated yet.  but i’m sure it will be one day.  the
whole n64 emulator on the dreamcast was a joke.  the neogeo emu was a
joke.  i was there on the showdown that night with the supposed n64 emu
author.  it was a good show, and entertaining for sure. i got all the irc
logs.  however, there is a mame project for the dc, and mame does neo
geo.  neogeo was a great system, and snk made some great games, too bad
they recently went out of business.  i’d like to get an old sega saturn to
play bomberman, ecco the dolphin, knights, and that dragon saga or something or
another.  last neogeo system i saw was at the anime con here in durham.
and there’s an arcade neogeo system that has 4 games on it in a restaurant in
henderson.  and i fell in love with the game windjammers at some place in
zebulon.  but we wont talk about that.  arcades arent what they used
to be. i remember going to spring lake, no… something lake here in nc a long
time ago with a friend and his family.  they had a warehouse full of arcade
games.  now, there’s really nothing.  there’s only 2 i know of, one at
crabtree mall and one at adventure landing, a putt putt place in raleigh.
plus they’re so expensive now.  i think the last time i played an arcade
game was one of the dungeon and dragons series in crabtree with me and a
friend.  we actually beat the game, go us!  now, when i want to beat a
arcade game, i download it, play it and just keep hitting f1 to simulate a coin
drop!  so i helped steve some on a new ut map, just did some rearranging to
one of the rooms.  maybe he’ll have a release soon.  i’ve been too
busy with my music and stuff recently to do anything else.  just making
sure everything is perfect for saturday night.  i bought a bunch of plastic
containers tonight to put all my crap in.  i still need a fold up table,
and i want 2 little stands to put these huge 90pound speakers on, but no luck
yet.  i want a dimmable light for my dj table and a fan.  i want to
learn to mix beats, realtime.  i thought tonight of a way to get fruity
loops into playing 2 instances of winamp. hmmm  the timing would be too
terrible though.  i really like my new song.  i rarely really like
something i make, i’m too critical.  but it still needs more work.
dont worry, i know it ends too abruptly 😉  hmm i need to write some
poetry. just cuz i haven’t in a while.   ok i gotta test steve’s new